Top 20 Times Aliens were Caught on Camera

#20: Chicken Dance
You’ve probably seen this viral clip before, of a mysterious, alien creature doing an unusual dance in front of a house. It was supposedly filmed by a local woman’s home security camera, covering her car and driveway. We see the creature walk out of the house and, back to the camera, flap its arms around. But what was it? Dobby, from “Harry Potter”? A real-life alien? Or was it the woman’s son, playing a prank on her with a pair of underpants on his head … Though the answer may seem obvious, the clip has plenty of believers, apparently still including the woman who posted it. But her 8-year-old son denied involvement.
#19: The Houston Light Show
A video from Houston, Texas emerged in 2020 showing strange lights in the sky. They were in an unusual, triangular formation and appeared to flash while hovering over the city. Theories ranged from drones to airplanes or missiles, but the woman who filmed the video, Kristan Mire, dismissed these explanations. Despite appearing static in the footage, Mire said that they moved through the sky quite quickly. Ominously, they seem to vanish. But Houston is no stranger to UFO sightings, thanks to its proximity to a major, NASA Space Center.
#18: Viva Las Vegas
Lots of people saw lights in the sky over Las Vegas Valley in 2021, flying over the city one evening. There were dozens of them, clearly visible above – though it wasn’t a clear enough night to see any stars. They also moved across the sky far too quickly. People reported similar sightings across state lines in California, too. Anchors were quick to suggest that they were airplanes flying down from nearby Nellis Air Force Base, but they were heading in the wrong direction – east, towards Arizona and beyond. Maybe they were on their way back to Roswell…Or maybe, as comments pointed out, they were simply Starlink satellites.
#17: USS Russell Captures Pyramid
Pyramids of all varieties are obsessed over by ufologists - whether on the ground or in the sky! These images were released by ufologist Jeremy Corbell and later confirmed to be genuine footage of alleged UFOs by the Pentagon, recorded by naval personnel. The US government has investigated UFOs many times over the years, and more than once it’s found things that it just can’t explain. These clips belong to that category, as we see the pyramid-shaped ship pulsating in the air. Naysayers have said the anomaly is actually just a plane.
#16: San Diego Coastal Madness
This clip was also released by Corbell, and another encounter recorded by the US navy – this time personnel aboard the USS Omaha. They were stationed off the coast of San Diego, California at the time. Many other UFOs have also been spotted by the navy much like these, with pilots even going on the record with journalists to describe what they’ve seen. They say encounters happen regularly, and dispute claims from non-witnesses that the UFO footage just shows fighter jet engines that look odd on camera.
#15: UFO in Jerusalem
Temple Mount in Jerusalem is one of the holiest places in the world, home to the famous Dome of the Rock Islamic shrine. If aliens were going to go ANYWHERE on Earth, it does make a little sense that they’d be interested in one of the most important places to humankind’s largest religions. A strange light was filmed apparently descending to the Dome of the Rock’s roof, and then shooting back up into the sky again. Maybe the aliens thought they’d already seen all there is to see here, and immediately left. The clip, of course, has many people saying it’s likely a hoax, but nobody’s ever owned up to it.
#14: The Dudley Dorito
This UFO has been seen many times over the UK. Called the Dudley “Dorito” because of its triangular shape, the footage is disturbing, to say the least. A black, triangular craft is clearly seen floating in the sky, with lights on the bottom. Stranger yet, the Dorito has been seen many times, usually only around the Midlands in England. It seems to reappear regularly, with newspapers on the look-out for anybody with a story to tell about witnessing it. What it really is, we don’t know; it was apparently deathly silent as it flew and looked like nothing on Earth. Its silence is what makes it so intriguing, as even the weirdest airplanes out there will still make noise.
#13: Hawaii’s New Year Eve UFO
There were multiple witnesses to this UFO incident, as a bright blue object was spotted in the skies over Oahu, Hawaii, on New Year’s Eve 2020. Video was captured, and the object really DID look bright blue, almost as if it was glowing. Some were so intrigued by what they were seeing that they even got in their car to follow it as it flew. And then, shockingly, it disappeared - not up into space, but into the sea. Was it hiding under the waves, or did it crash? When the Federal Aviation Administration was notified, there were no aircraft in the sky that could have been responsible.
Yet another Corbell special, the GOFAST video was also filmed by the navy and eventually released to the public. It was shot in 2015 by a naval jet pilot, this time all the way on the other side of the country, off the coast of Florida. But what, exactly, does the video show? The object was spotted by pilots as it flew over the sea, and you can even hear their reaction to seeing it as they try to get the camera’s motion sensor to lock on it. It’s strange to see pilots react so strongly to something; if even trained airmen can’t identify these things, maybe they really ARE from another world.
#11: The Phoenix Lights
This remains one of the most confounding and famous UFO sightings in history. On March 13th, 1997, Arizona residents witnessed the Phoenix Lights phenomenon, seen for hundreds of miles across the entire state. There were many witnesses and the lights were caught on camera, but to this day, they remain shrouded in mystery. It’s thought by some that they were a top-secret government training program, and that remains the official line; but there are plenty who don’t believe it – especially when similar encounters have happened in the years since. Today, the Phoenix Lights are still a major part of Arizona culture and modern history.
#10: Fresno Nightcrawler
Whether they’re aliens, cryptids, or a hoax, these creatures are downright creepy. They were first spotted by a man named Jose on his front lawn in Fresno, California, who captured this footage on CCTV. Nightcrawlers have also been spotted in Yosemite, and on the other side of the world in Poland. They’re reportedly pale, slender and walk as though they’re crawling. Since the first Fresno sighting, other people have claimed to have witnessed the same creature in the area. Could aliens look like a pair of pants? Well hey, who are we to say?
#9: North Carolina’s “Critter”
North Carolina’s Candid Critters social media management got a tad more than they bargained for when they posted a picture of an entity caught on one of their nighttime trail cameras, with the invitation to guess the “critter.” The group was a camera trap survey that took place in the North Carolina woodland and rural areas with the intention to capture wildlife and natural events. But this particular shot stumped them, as it was unlike anything they’d ever seen before. Whilst skeptics were quick to point out that it was probably an owl or something, the group wasn’t totally convinced, which is intriguing in its own right. Whatever it is, the truth is out there.
#8: The Redgate Alien
Over in Montana, another trail camera captured a candid photo of a creature that appears to be out of this world, and certainly out of its clothes. The Redgate area has garnered a reputation in recent years as being somewhat of a UFO and alien sighting hotspot. Many witnesses claim to have seen unidentified flying objects in the air, but it’s a photo taken by Deer Lodge’s Donald Bromley that has generated a lot of debate. At first view it simply looks like a person walking past, but it could be argued the proportions are off; humanoid, but not human. Perhaps if more people set up trail cameras in Redgate, we might get an even better look at them aliens.
#7: The Kennall Vale Figure
When it comes to paranormal and extraterrestrial investigations, sometimes there’s a bit of overlap. In 2019, ghost hunter Mark Davies and his friends visited Kennall Vale in Cornwall, South West England. Their camera picked up a strange silhouette moving along the bridge ahead of them. Davies claims that the air got cold and his back started to hurt. He insists that the video isn’t a hoax, but instead depicts what some call “aliens”, others “demons”, and others “Watchers”. However, he believes that the figure was “evil” - so don’t go rushing off to explore Kennall Vale at night.
#6: The Glasgow Glower
Back over the Atlantic to the UK, this time there are two entries for the price of one. It could be that these two sightings are depicting the same general phenomena, given their shared location and similar timeframe, but it’s hard to tell as the descriptions have discrepancies. The first, taken by a Glasgow student, shows a strange glow over the night skies. Around the same time of the year, a local Glasgow woman caught a static, almost humanoid, shape flying across the skies of the Scottish city. As it was taken during the day, the light is good enough to get a clear image. There are numerous differences in the shape and behavior, but the timing and the location are suspicious to say the least.
#5: Jharkhand’s Roadside Visitor
2021 seemed to be the year of the off-world visitors. We can only assume that with so many people remaining in their homes, extra-terrestrials didn’t have to worry about being spotted. Clearly one or two slipped through, however, as this footage from the Indian state of Jharkhand appears to show. Not only is it a clear view of a creature walking very incongruously alongside a road, it appears taller and thinner than the average person. The footage also shows that there were multiple witnesses to the event, so it would be more difficult to debunk should many come forward and corroborate the story.
#4: The Salford Grey
We’re back in the United Kingdom for this entry, which is unsurprising given that the county of Yorkshire has reportedly seen over 200 alien and UFO sightings in the last twenty years. But while there isn’t a lot of footage that’s readily available, just a few miles away in Salford, there is quite the compelling video of a Grey alien wandering around. Greys tend to be the ones that most people think of when they think of aliens, and are often what alleged abductees describe after they’ve been returned. Alternatively, just think of Paul from the movie of the same name if you need a visual reference. Whether this footage is a hoax or the real deal, it’s always fun to speculate.
#3: A Turning Point for Turkey
For Yalcin Yalman, aliens and UFOs are all in a day's work. Though he doesn’t work for Area 51, or the Men in Black, the Turkish night watchman is so used to extraterrestrial encounters that they don’t faze him. There are two facts about his sightings that make them stand out. First, his footage spans years of repeated visitations. Second, on some of his footage you can just make out two pilots inside the craft. This night watchman doesn’t just look out for intruders, but aliens as well!
#2: The Crashed Visitor
This entry is not for the faint of heart, so fair warning. In 2011, footage emerged that alleged to be the aftermath of a UFO crash in Siberia. The people in the video claim to have found an alien creature that has been caught up in the wreckage and lost its life in the process. However, not long after, it was reported that the people in the video had faked the alien body with chicken pieces and breadcrumbs, and received a stern word from the Russian authorities. But doesn’t this hoax look a little bit too good for tomfoolery? And does it really look like chicken and breadcrumbs? We’re not saying there’s a conspiracy within the conspiracy, but we’re not saying there’s not, either.
#1: The Peekaboo Alien
While the person who shot and released this footage doesn’t deserve the publicity, and thus his name will not even be mentioned here, the “Boo Alien” footage has generated too much debate to omit. Released in 2008, it appears to show an alien engaging in a quick game of peekaboo, and although it isn’t completely clear in the video, the image does appear to be that of a previously mentioned Grey alien. There are other videos like it, created in an attempt to parody and debunk the original, but still the Boo alien persists, and cannot seem to be thoroughly let go of as fake.