Top 20 Times the Hormone Monster Went Too Far

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down instances where Maurice the Hormone Monster went a little (and sometimes a lot) overboard throughout the “Big Mouth” franchise. Do you think Maury crossed any lines or do you think a Hormone Monster can never go too far? Share your thoughts in the comments!
#20: Texting Advice
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Two things that should not be put together are texting and Maurice the Hormone Monster. An episode after their sloppy smooch, Nick is struggling to come up with a response to Jessi’s fishing dog video. As he and Andrew debate the best course of action Maurice takes the opportunity to offer up his own opinion on the subject; and it’s understandably gross. Being the disgusting, doesn’t hold back, literal monster that he is, Maurice suggests Nick send Jessi a rather explicit picture. And he doesn’t stop there…
#19: Nair Hair Remover
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Following an accident with a pair of scissors, it doesn’t seem like Andrew’s circumstances can get any worse. Of course, this is Andrew we’re talking about. There is no rock bottom, especially when Maury gives advice. Looking below the sink, Andrew stumbles upon a bottle of Nair hair removal, which Maury encourages him to slather all over his nether region. Had Andrew read the instructions, he would’ve noticed the bottle’s expiration date before it was too late. And what does Maury do as Andrew’s junk smokes like a chimney? He laughs, although not as hard as Andrew’s crotch, which has taken on a Joker persona. Maury has steered Andrew wrong before, but this is definitely one of the hairier positions he’s put the boy in.
#18: A Very Vivid Description
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
There’s nothing quite like capping off an episode of TV with a vivid and painfully in-depth description of a man’s … well, you know. Alas, such is the way our favorite Hormone Monster decided to end episode five. His commentary goes on long after the credits have started to roll, leaving viewers with no visual escape from his extremely detailed account of Andrew’s father’s … do we have to say it? Of course, the humor comes from Maurice’s perceived enjoyment of discussing a never-ending stream of deplorable subjects, and it’s clear from the sound of his voice that this is one of his favorites.
#17: Drunken Maurice
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
If you thought a sober Hormone Monster was bad, wait till you get a load of the drunken version. Whilst attempting to woo his crush Missy, Andrew is forced to contend with a wasted Maurice whose primary goal appears to be trying to say as many messed up things as possible. In an attempt to make him go away Andrew whips out a picture of his grandmother and yells that he’s thinking about her. Of course Maurice, fueled by the alcohol flowing through his body, only takes this as an opportunity for more crassness. Real classy there bud.
#16: Bubble Guts
“Human Resources” (2022-23)
If you thought the spinoff “Human Resources” would show a more restrained side of Maurice… what are we saying? Nobody expected that! Just as Maury goes overboard in the bedroom, he doesn’t hold back in the kitchen either. Ordering a giant burrito that’s supposed to be consumed over two days, Maury scarfs it down in one. It isn’t long until this comes back to haunt him. At first, it appears to be a heart attack, although his diagnosis is far more repulsive: bubble guts! There are two ways that this can play out. Either Maury busts a literal gut or he releases enough toxic gas to turn Emmy’s car into a mini Chernobyl. Maury survives, but at the expense of the audience losing their lunch.
#15: Pushing Andrew Too Far with Missy
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Season 3’s Valentine’s special finds Andrew at his worst and Maury holds at least some responsibility. As Andrew desperately tries to win back Missy, Maury fuels his sense of entitlement. It isn’t long until this brings out Andrew’s toxic masculinity with Maury occasionally putting words in his mouth. Maury reciprocates Andrew’s rage until the boy is driven to push Lars out of his wheelchair. At this point, even Maury feels that Andrew has gone too far, which is saying a lot. Since Andrew is already in so deep, though, Maury ultimately urges him to go all the way. Andrew’s actions are his own, but Maury is on his shoulder the whole time. Had Maury pulled back sooner, maybe he could’ve spared Andrew the ultimate humiliation.
#14: A Demonstration
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
It goes without saying that whenever something sexual pops up during an episode of “Big Mouth”, Maurice the Hormone Monster will be there to give the world his depraved two cents. So in episode 8 “The Head Push”, when the group find themselves discussing a certain activity and Jay asks a seemingly rhetorical question about said activity, Maurice wastes no time in coming up with an answer. What pushed this scene into “too far” territory was the fact that Maurice felt the need to demonstrate exactly what he was advocating and it made for some pretty disturbing and/or hilarious imagery.
#13: Maurice Makes a Hole
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
In one of the show’s most sidesplitting examples of Maurice taking things well beyond the point of no return, the sex-crazed creature smashes his fist into Andrew’s bedroom wall and immediately develops a relationship with the hole. From his description of the hole, to the way he humanizes it by drawing a female figure around it and naming it Candace, Maurice’s ability to not know where the line is in full swing. Of course, the hole does have some drawbacks, but we’ll let Maurice tell you about it...
#12: Maurice at the Dance
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
The words “high school dance” and “Maurice the Hormone Monster” should never be in the same sentence; and in “Big Mouth’s” first episode we find out why. Maurice pays Andrew a little visit while he’s dancing with Missy and from there things quickly spiral out of control. Let’s just say Maurice gets a little too hands-y and Andrew is unable to…control himself. The scene ends with an insanely embarrassed Andrew running to the washroom to clean himself up and a jubilant Maurice skipping into the ether. Why did it have to be with Missy, the show’s most innocent character?
#11: Backroom Brawl
“Human Resources” (2022-23)
We got through five seasons of “Big Mouth” without a cockfighting storyline, but the creators finally caved in with “Human Resources.” In a parody of “Rocky,” Maury fills the Mickey role as he looks out for a protege named - you guessed it - Cocky. Hmmm, should we be censoring Cocky? Well, we don’t censor Maury’s nose, so we think we’re in the clear? YouTube’s rules are weird these days, but we digress. Having lost his beloved Apollo in a fight, Maury fears that Cocky will meet the same fate. Maury nonetheless comes around, giving Cocky the stimulation needed to go another round. He also tells Cocky how he can overcome his opponent, painting the ring white. It’s the one eye of the tiger.
#10: Live on the Edge
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Even when he’s trying to show his pupils how to stay in control, Maury has a way of pushing things to the edge of vomiting. Attending Maury’s workshop, Andrew is given a lesson on, uh, ‘working himself up’ without quite going to the top. Maury paints a graphic portrait before telling the group to start practicing in front of each other. As if watching Andrew’s sexual fantasies play out isn’t disturbing enough, we get to hear Maury talk him through the session. Andrew pulls out at the last second with a cringey bit of Freudianism. As the audience recoils over what they just saw, Maury and Andrew bond over the edgy experience that they just shared.
#9: Maury on Group Activities
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Proving that his sex-soaked brain knows no bounds yet again, Maurice offers up his take on a ménage à many in this hilarious scene from “Big Mouth’s” second episode. After Nick ditches him to hang out with Jessi and the Devons, Andrew is left alone with his thoughts, which is almost never a good thing. Maurice springs into action, launching into a rant about a certain group activity, and what Andrew can do if he ever finds himself in one with uneven numbers. It’s sick, twisted, and okay, pretty funny.
#8: Maurice in Class
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Do not, we repeat, do not; let a Hormone Monster into the classroom. Because we can guarantee that it will end badly for everyone involved. Of course, our dear friend Andrew Glouberman had to learn this the hard way. During the show’s first episode, the mere mention of fallopian tubes is enough to rouse Maurice. He starts off by insisting Andrew take a little trip to the bathroom and finishes with a crude joke at the young man’s expense. Offsetting the gag is an innocent-as-always Missy telling Andrew she’ll “take notes for him.” Talk about the perfect way to highlight just how gross Maurice truly is.
#7: “Taking Care” of Connie
“Human Resources” (2022-23)
We all know that Maury has a sick mind, but this “Human Resources” episode takes him to real serial killer-y places. With an office cold spreading, Maury wants to take care of a sniffling Connie. Like Annie Wilkes in “Misery,” though, Maury’s idea of caregiving soon snowballs into kidnapping. He gets off on Connie’s helplessness, seeking to tuck her in to the point of no escape. Maury’s buttock isn’t even the direst ingredient that he sneaks into Connie’s soup. Knocked out cold, Connie wakes up in a sticky situation with an unnerving makeover. Being the resourceful Hormone Monstress she is, Connie manages to get herself untucked, switching places with Maury. Good thing, as we don’t want to know just how far Maury would’ve taken this.
#6: The Cat Clock
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
We will never be able to look at a cat-shaped clock the same way ever again. During a sleepover at Nick’s house, Maurice decides to pay Andrew a visit in the middle of the night, and it becomes clear from the moment he appears on screen that the interaction is not going to end with any sort of decency. Shall we discuss Maurice’s implication that Nick’s grandmother bought him the clock for a certain ornery purpose? How about when he calls Andrew a “perfectly normal gross little dirtbag”? It’s Maurice being Maurice and as per usual he takes things way too far!
#5: Swimsuit Shenanigans
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
There’s a time and a place for everything. If Maury is your Hormone Monster, though, the time is anytime and the place is anywhere. Leah’s bathing suit alone is enough to get Andrew and Maury excited. The article of clothing is just hanging there, but Maury motivates his young apprentice to get up close and personal. As if that isn’t creepy enough, Maury encourages Andrew to go much further … with the door unlocked. You see where this is going. It might be another level of embarrassment for Andrew, but Maury sees no reason why he can’t wrap things up.
#4: Maurice Goes Into Labor
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
When Maury became “enceinte” with Connie’s baby, the birth was bound to be something extra. As is the case with any pregnancy, you might know what’s coming, but nothing can quite prepare you for the delivery. This goes double for Hormone Monsters. Maury is caught off guard twice. First, Connie shows up to the shower, declaring that she wants to be part of the child’s life. Her timing is impeccable, as the little bugger is coming now! If you were wondering where exactly the baby would emerge from, it’s the same region where Maury released his bubble guts. It’s not pretty, but it’s a fundamental practice in the circle of life.
#3: Shipping Andrew & His Cousin
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Oh Andrew, you sure can pick ‘em. Andrew can’t deny that he’s attracted to his cousin Cherry, and Maury isn’t standing in their way. If anything, he’s a cheerleader for the relationship. After Cherry sends a flirtatious selfie, Maury once again suggests that Andrew respond with a pic below the belt. Although Andrew remains hesitant, Maury gets him on board this time. While Andrew isn’t the most elegant photographer, Maury has an eye for this thing. Maury might be skilled with a camera, but he’s not up to date on modern technology, accidentally uploading Andrew’s pics to the cloud for the whole family to see. It’s so mortifying that Maury gives Andrew some extreme existential advice, which he thankfully doesn’t take.
#2: F Is For Funeral
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
After that previous entry, you wouldn’t think Maury could possibly get Andrew into a more compromising position involving his parents. Just wait another season, however. When his grandfather dies, Andrew feels responsible because he didn’t perform “the method” right. This completely throws off Andrew’s routine. Reuniting with his cousin at the funeral, Andrew finds the inspiration for sweet relief. Unfortunately, the only room with any privacy is the one containing his grandfather’s body. Maury sees this not as an issue, but rather, as an opportunity to achieve closure. While Zayde’s ghost gives him permission, Andrew still hasn’t learned his lesson about locking doors. Maury has convinced Andrew to explore his body in some inappropriate locales, but a funeral takes the casket.
#1: The Head
“Big Mouth” (2017-)
Topping the last entry would have been tough were it not for this truly disturbing interaction between Maurice and the severed head of Garrison Keillor. Andrew sicks the former radio personality on Maurice in an attempt to buy some alone time with Missy, but forgets that Maurice will do literally anything in order to get what he wants. This includes decapitating Keillor and proceeding to, uh, well, let’s just say he does something to shut him up that almost made us puke. It’s scenes like this that prove television has come a long way in a short time and that Nick Kroll’s Hormone Monster is unlike any character we’ve seen before!