Top 20 Most Unhinged Talk Show Moments Ever

#20: “Everybody Gets a Car!”
“The Oprah Winfrey Show” (1986-2011)
On September 13, 2004, Oprah took her audience on quite the ride. She teased that one lucky person was going home with a new car. Everyone was handed a small gift box, one of which she told them would contain the winning key. However, when they were instructed to open it, it quickly became clear that, well, “everybody gets a car!” Understandably, the crowd went wild, just as any of us might if we were among the almost 300 people who’d just received a new Pontiac G-6 sedan. We don’t know what was crazier, the prize, or the audience’s response. But those screams continue to reverberate to this day.
#19: Kanye's Rant
“The Ellen DeGeneres Show” (2003-22)
By now, we all know that Ye has a tendency to derail, well, all sorts of moments. Take this interview, for instance. Initially, the rapper seemed reluctant to participate, opting for short and closed-ended responses. However, Ellen seemed to flip a switch when she brought up some of the times he’d been unabashedly outspoken about his opinions. This prompted Kanye to embark on a long stream-of-consciousness-style rant. He talked about his visions for the future, the influential people he’d discussed them with, and his ventures into the fashion world. He concluded by apologizing for his “realness.” Even a seasoned pro like Ellen couldn’t bring this interview back on track.
#18: Drew Barrymore’s Dance
“Late Show with David Letterman” (1993-2015)
The actress-turned-talk-show-host is something of a free spirit. This was all the more true in her youth when she was enjoying being young and unattached and just having a good time. Before this appearance on “Letterman,” Barrymore had attended a “nude art performance” club and, let's just say, really immersed herself in the experience. Since it was Letterman’s birthday, she gave him a sneak peek of the kind of entertainment visitors to the club might expect. Hey, sometimes spontaneity beckons, and she answered enthusiastically. Needless to say, this moment took on a life of its own. The pair even reminisced about it 25 years later, this time on Barrymore’s show.
#17: Andy Dick Can’t Keep His Hands to Himself
“Jimmy Kimmel Live!” (2003-)
In 2007, Jimmy Kimmel had Andy Dick and Ivanka Trump as guests on his show. In a very weird display, the comedian refused to stop touching the socialite despite many warnings. Although Ivanka chose to laugh it off, anyone could tell she was incredibly uncomfortable. Kimmel stepped in repeatedly, telling him to stop, but when Dick didn’t listen, security got involved. Kimmel later revealed that this particular guest always leaves him feeling a little on edge; he said “You have no idea what he’s going to do next.” The video was put in an even worse light when, in 2018, Dick was reportedly facing legal repercussions for sexual battery.
#16: Kathy Griffin Strips
“Late Show with David Letterman” (1993-2015)
Comedian Kathy Griffin famously loves to push the envelope. Remember when she rang in the New Year topless? While recounting what led to that moment on “Letterman,” she gave the host and his audience a live-action replay. We hope she had better luck getting out of her gear on New Year’s Eve because watching her struggle to undress in the interview setting is nothing short of awkward. By the time she fights her way out, we’ve almost forgotten why we’re now staring at a half-dressed Griffin anyway. Love her or hate her, there’s no denying she knows how to create unforgettable TV.
#15: Larry King & Marlon Brando Duet
“Larry King Live” (1985-2010)
Brando was typically known for his rebellious or intimidating characters. He also generally avoided the interview circuit. However, audiences got to see a whole other side of him when he made an exception for Larry King and CNN. After a delightful and informative 90-minute-long interview, the pair ended with a song as promotion for Brando’s book, “Songs My Mother Taught Me,” and sealed it with a kiss. It was certainly unexpected for these two and a somewhat unorthodox end to the interview, but weirdly endearing all the same. We wonder if Larry King had ever been called “darling” before that.
#14: "Top 10 Ways the World Would Be Different If Britney Spears Were President"
“Late Show with David Letterman” (1993-2015)
No, this isn’t the empowering women can do anything segment it would probably be today. Instead, it features the pop princess in a black bikini showing off her comedy chops as she promises free pie and Diddy for VP if she were Commander in Chief. Sure, Britney delivers her lines with great comedic timing and really sells it, but something about this whole setup makes us cringe. Look, we’re all for a President with a good sense of humor and some decent policies, but this bit is just weird. Then again, if Britney has a decent plan for a coherent fiscal strategy, we say bring it on!
#13: You Don’t Turn Your Back on Grace Jones
“The Russell Harty Show” (1974–84)
In 1981, the model-turned-actress and singer went on “The Russell Harty” show to promote her latest album, “Nightclubbing.” The host was seated between two guests, which unfortunately meant turning his back on one to talk to the other. Jones didn’t like this poor setup and let Harty know it. In her defense, it’s definitely rude having your back to someone who’s supposed to be part of the conversation. Eventually, she had enough and lashed out. In a 2006 poll shared by the BBC, this moment came out on top as “the most shocking TV chat show moment of all time.”
#12: David Letterman Chews Jennifer Aniston’s Hair
“Late Show with David Letterman” (1993-2015)
The year was 1998, and Jennifer Aniston was America’s sweetheart thanks to her stint as Rachel Green on “Friends.” Everything was pretty standard to begin with; Letterman asked questions, she answered - all normal stuff. But then he interrupted her story about weird encounters to effectively add another to the list. He sidled up to Aniston, put his hand on her neck, leaned in real close, and put her hair in his mouth. She was clearly uncomfortable, and we’re still grossed out every time we see the clip. As if handing her a tissue is going to make it any better! He then claimed that her yell scared him! It was so inappropriate and just downright insane.
#11: Geraldo Rivera’s Nose Gets Caught in the Crossfire
“Geraldo” (1987-98)
This episode of Rivera’s eponymous talk show featured a debate between Black civil rights activist Roy Innis and some white supremacists. It went about as well as you might imagine. One of the supremacists, John Metzger, used an offensive term, causing a fight to break out. Everything descended into chaos, and even audience members got involved. At one point, a chair was thrown, which hit Rivera in the face, resulting in a broken nose. Amazingly, no other injuries were reported, and the host opted not to press charges. Still, to call this incident nuts would be a colossal understatement.
#10: Jerry Lawler Gets Physical
“Late Night with David Letterman” (1982-93)
In this segment, Letterman invited performance artist and wrestler Andy Kaufman, and WWE star Jerry Lawler to air their grievances with each other on his show. Kaufman came out in a neck brace, supposedly due to an injury he sustained during the pair’s match. He expected an apology, but the pair sparred with words instead. Eventually, things got even more heated and eventually turned physical. When they returned from a commercial break, an incensed Kaufman set off on an angry tirade requiring much bleeping. More than a decade later, it was reported that this interaction had actually been staged… Which honestly doesn’t make it any less bizarre.
#9: Conan O’Brien Blows His NBC Budget
“The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien” (2009-10)
In 2009, Conan O’Brien took over from Jay Leno as host of “The Tonight Show.” However, the following year, due to some behind-the-scenes drama, NBC decided to boot O’Brien out of the primetime spot and reinstate Leno. He was understandably furious, as was Jimmy Kimmel, who never missed an opportunity to take shots at Leno. It was almost like he had a personal vendetta. But Conan got the last laugh with an excellently executed revenge plan that forced NBC to dig deep. And he didn’t skimp on the details. This bit might’ve cost NBC a pretty penny, but the level of savageness is priceless!
#8: Abel Ferrara’s Odd Appearance
“Late Night with Conan O'Brien” (1993-2009)
O’Brien is a seasoned pro when it comes to interviewing celebrities. So, it says something that he called film director Abel Ferrara his worst guest. From the off, Ferrara made it clear that this was the last place he wanted to be. And no matter how hard Conan tried to get the conversation flowing, the director mumbled through half-formed answers while holding a cigarette. Luckily, O’Brien is a master of his art and handled the situation brilliantly, keeping the audience entertained while moving things forward. At one point, Conan started questioning what was real, and we can’t say we blame him.
#7: Tom Cruise Is in Love
“The Oprah Winfrey Show” (1986-2011)
You know that feeling when you’re so in love you want to shout it from the rooftops? Most of us just stick with the feeling and don’t actually follow through. Not Tom Cruise, though. He was so head-over-heels in love with then-girlfriend Katie Holmes that he just had to let everyone know. While he admittedly did stay clear of rooftops, he could barely sit still during his interview with Oprah and, at one point, he even jumped up on the sofa. Apparently, it was one of the first videos to go viral and instantly became a part of pop culture history. Still, it feels as bonkers to watch today as it did in 2005.
#6: Tyra Banks’s Fakes Rabies
“The Tyra Banks Show” (2005-10)
We know sometimes talk shows have to up the ante for ratings. But why Tyra Banks decided to pull a prank where she tells her audience she has rabies, we’ll never understand. She starts by sharing the tale of the unfortunate bite, but soon enough, she’s foaming at the mouth and barking… which is really more like a series of loud screeches. Yeah, the only thing barking here is whoever thought this was a good idea. A close second to this bonkers moment was when Banks put on a terrible English accent to ask “Twilight” actor Robert Pattinson to bite her neck. Props to him for playing along, honestly.
#5: A Fainting Hoax
“The Phil Donahue Show” (1967-96)
On January 21, 1985, “The Phil Donahue Show” was hit by an unlikely outbreak of numerous audience fainting spells. Donahue feared this was due to an overly warm studio mixed with nerves from appearing on live TV. Eventually, the studio was cleared, and everyone was sent home. Only later, it transpired that this had all been a prank pulled by infamous hoaxer Alan Abel. Deborah Harmon, one of the actors reportedly paid to faint, revealed that the trick was a protest over what Abel believed was the declining quality of television. Well, we can’t speak for all ‘80s TV, but we can say this episode was certainly memorable.
#4: Did Johnny Carson Play a Part in a National Toilet Paper Shortage?
“The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” (1962-92)
We know what you’re thinking: Carson wasn’t on air in March of 2020? No, let us take you back to the toilet paper shortage of 1973. “The Tonight Show” writers took a statement made by a congressman out of context and turned it into a joke suggesting that the basic household necessity was in short supply. Now, this wasn’t the only shortage in America back then, so people were already on edge, and Carson quickly learned why telling roughly 20 million viewers that there was a toilet paper shortage was a huge mistake. Panic buyers flooded stores and demolished supplies. The host later had to assure audiences that this had all been one big misunderstanding.
#3: The Guy Who Got Mare-ied
“Jerry Springer” (1991-2018)
Many… colorful individuals appeared on this talk show throughout its long run. Arguably one of the most unforgettable was the man who married a horse. Yes, you did hear that correctly. Springer later explained that he was never told what each episode would be about, so all he knew for that particular episode was that this man and his wife were having issues with their… neigh-bors. (Forgive us.) Naturally, Springer was just as surprised as the rest of us when they brought out the wife and she turned out to have four legs. We don’t need to tell you the plethora of reasons this union is both unhinged and illegal. Even better is hearing Jerry recount his experience of the events.
#2: Joaquin Phoenix Goes Method
“Late Show with David Letterman” (1993-2015)
We get it. The publicity circuit can get a tad repetitive and tedious. And Joaquin Phoenix notoriously isn’t a fan of it. However, on this occasion, viewers thought the actor had gone completely nuts. He could barely form a sentence and claimed he was transitioning into a hip-hop career. It was truly bonkers, leaving many speculating over what was fueling his odd behavior. It turns out it was all just a schtick for his upcoming mockumentary with Casey Affleck called “I’m Still Here.” And, he isn’t the only interviewee who went full method on “Letterman.” Crispin Glover’s commitment to his bit practically had the host storming off.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
A Surprise Proposal, “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” (1992-2009; 2010-14)
We Wonder if This Is How She Always Imagined Her Future Husband Popping the Question
Jimmy Fallon Ruffles Trump's Hair, “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” (2014-)
Was He Expecting It to Fall Off, Do You Think?
President Barack Obama Talks Obamacare, “Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis” (2008-18)
Didn’t You Hear? All Policy Makers Share Important Messages Through This Comedian
#1: David Letterman Reveals His Blackmail Scandal
“Late Show with David Letterman” (1993-2015)
This debacle had so many twists and turns that it’s almost impossible to untangle it entirely. In 2009, the late-night talk show host shared that someone was trying to extort him for $2 million after discovering his sexual relationships with female employees. What followed was an extensive monologue where the host described what went down and how it was all resolved, all while still injecting his unique brand of humor. In fact, Letterman’s storytelling was so compelling that it somehow distracted everyone from the fact that he’d just confessed to workplace misconduct. They even applauded him! The whole unfolding of this story was insane from start to finish.