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Top 30 Angry Outbursts Caught on Live TV

Top 30 Angry Outbursts Caught on Live TV
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu
Um... we're live. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most memorable instances of people getting heated while on live television Our countdown includes moments from "Real Time with Bill Maher", "CBS Thing Morning", "The View" and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the most memorable instances of people getting heated while on live television. Did we forget your favorite live TV rant? Let us know in the comments!

#30: A Lesson in Weather Safety

If there’s snow and ice on your vehicle, you should remove it as effectively as possible before driving. We know that might sound like we’re stating the obvious, but apparently, not every motorist is aware of this. In this memorable rant, KTVI meteorologist in St. Louis Derek Kevra passively-aggressively gives a demonstration in how to use a snow brush and ice scraper. He says this is inspired by witnessing drivers the previous evening who apparently didn’t understand this. His sharp tongue makes for an amusing diatribe, but it also serves as an important reminder of road safety. Hopefully, at least one of those drivers saw this and changed their neglectful ways.

#29: Practice

Say the word “practice” in front of a basketball fan and they’ll instantly hear the voice of legendary NBA player Allen Iverson in their head. After a heartbreaking loss from the Philadelphia 76ers to the Boston Celtics, Iverson spoke at a press conference, where he was clearly crushed by the defeat. Things took a turn when a reporter brought up 76ers coach Larry Brown’s criticism of Iverson for missing team practices. Defiantly challenging arguments about the necessity of his attendance, Iverson uses the word “practice” 22 times. Though this portion of the conference is by far the most infamous and memed, it should be noted it also ventures into more serious territory, like the murder of his best friend, Rahsaan Langeford, the previous year.

#28: Jean-Claude Van Damme Is Sick of “Boring” Interviews

Being a celebrity means doing many interviews over the course of your career, and answering the same questions again and again. The frustration of this evidently got to Belgian action star Jean-Claude Van Damme. During a satellite interview with Australian morning show “Sunrise,” the “Muscles from Brussels” expressed his frustration about being asked the same questions for more than two decades, such as his about his “Street Fighter” co-star and pop icon Kylie Minogue and his exercise regimen. Before long, he’s removing his microphone, swearing profusely, and storming off. If there’s one word you can’t use to describe this interview, it’s “boring.”

#27: MSNBC Reporter Accosted

Reporting on a hurricane is stressful enough without targeted harassment. While reporting on Hurricane Ida in Gulfport, Mississippi, MSNBC correspondent Shaquille Brewster was confronted by a man who ran from his white pickup truck to launch into a furious tirade. What exactly he’s saying is unclear, but it’s clear he’s not looking to have a friendly chat. Brewster, showing calm throughout the ordeal, throws back to anchor Craig Melvin right as the man gets in his face. The perpetrator was later identified as Ohio man Benjamin Eugene Dagley and arrested. Thankfully, Brewster made it out of this incident unscathed.

#26: Sergio Ramos Tells Off Rude Fan

There’s never a good time to heckle a professional athlete, but after a loss is arguably the worst occasion. Following a 2-0 loss to Athletic Bilbao, Sevilla footballer Sergio Ramos spoke with a reporter, only to find himself interrupted by a fan in the stands. Ramos initially tried to ignore the jeers. But when the heckler refused to let up, he went for broke, angrily telling them to “Shut up.” Ramos, who has been known for losing his temper and getting physical on other occasions , mostly manages to hold in his rage and move on. But we don’t blame him for being upset about such disrespectful behavior.

#25: Substitute Weather Reporter

Mark Woodley typically serves as sports anchor for Iowa’s KWWL station. However, during a blizzard, with athletic events canceled, he was tasked with getting up early and out in the cold. Needless to say, Woodley was not pleased about the circumstances. Standing outside in freezing weather with snow still falling, he makes us feel like we’re out right there with him. After his rant went viral, Woodley returned to the weather beat the following month. Fortunately, the second try was far more successful. But he undoubtedly prefers the comfort of working from a properly heated studio.

#24: Michael Malone Lashes Out at Reporter

Players aren’t the only ones who can get irritable after post-loss press conferences. It can also affect their coaches. After a stunning Game 7 comeback that saw the Minnesota Timberwolves knock the Denver Nuggets out of the NBA playoffs, Nuggets coach Michael Malone is clearly having trouble even beginning to process the loss. His responses are terse and he’s avoiding eye contact. One reporter’s question in particular rubs him the wrong way. Malone gets vocally upset, expressing his frustration with “stupid-ass questions.” Malone did, however, reach out the next day to apologize to the reporter, Bennett Durando, to apologize for how he responded to his question.

#23: Anchor Stands Up to Body Shamer

The nerve of some people. After Wisconsin news anchor Jennifer Livingston received an email from a viewer criticizing her appearance, she received an outpouring of support. She addressed the matter on the air, telling the instigator that his comments are uncalled for and tactless. She also ties the matter into the greater problem of harassment, particularly how it affects school-age children. While Livingston acknowledges that his words didn’t break her confidence, that’s not the case for everybody. The man responsible, Kenneth Krause, later said he didn’t intend to offend her. Yeah, we’re not buying that.

#22: Amusing Anchor Spat

Coworkers can become like family. And like all families, arguments are bound to happen every once in a while. During a broadcast for WGN Morning News in Chicago, anchor Robin Baumgarten chastised co-anchor Larry Potash about a missed story. Before long, the two are bickering like an old married couple. In isolation, this clip might seem to suggest that Baumgarten and Potash have a particularly contentious working relationship. However, an extended version of the incident, as well as other moments from their co-anchoring tenure, shows this is more friends giving each other a hard time than anything resembling animosity.

#21: Teresa Giudice Storms Off

At this point, "Real Housewives of New Jersey" star Teresa Giudice might be better known for her and her husband Joe’s legal troubles than for her reality TV career. During an interview with “Access Hollywood Live,” Giudice was asked about the possibility of Joe being deported back to Italy. Giudice immediately refuses to respond and proceeds to call the question “really rude.” She then gets up and storms off, leaving behind her co-star Melissa Gorga. Of course, longtime fans of the “Housewives” franchise know that this is nothing compared to how heated she can get.

#20: “Frankly Just Bulls***”

In late February 2020, convicted Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich appeared on CNN to talk with Anderson Cooper. Blagojevich was serving fourteen years in prison for soliciting bribes, a sentence later commuted by President Donald Trump on February 18, 2020. Blagojevich is playing up his prison time, referring to himself as a “political prisoner” and comparing himself to Nelson Mandela. Cooper rightfully calls this comparison “offensive.” But that’s not all. As the interview goes on, Cooper grows increasingly resentful and impatient with Blagojevich’s statements, and he eventually refers to his “alternate universe of facts” as “bullshit.” This isn’t the first time that Cooper has spoken his mind: back on “Anderson Live,” he called the so-called Human Barbie a “dreadful” person and cut the interview short.

#19: Dan Marino’s Freak Out

In the 2000s, former Miami Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino co-hosted weekly football talk show “Inside the NFL”. When talking about golfing with Terrell Buckley, he had a wild freakout that came completely without warning. After stumbling over his words, Marino slammed his fists into the table, startling those around him. Marino even seems to have caught production off guard with his little tantrum, judging by the cameras’ rapid movements, zoom-ins, and zoom-outs. Hey, we all word up our messes sometimes! Uh, mess up our words . . . Jesus!

#18: Danny Dyer on David Cameron

English actor Danny Dyer is often typecast as the “tough guy” in movies and TV shows. Now we know why. While appearing on “Good Evening Britain,” Dyer began passionately discussing prior UK Prime Minister David Cameron and the issues surrounding Brexit. His rant included several profanities and various colorful names for David Cameron, like “geezer” and “twat”. His passionate comments garnered some chuckles, while then Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn managed to keep a straight face. When he was done, he sat back in his chair, crossed his arms, and shook his head in disappointment. So he’s not a fan of David Cameron, then?

#17: Weatherman’s Cold Response

We all get a case of the winter blues sooner or later. It affects some people worse than others. Even the meteorologists. In 2018, a Grand Rapids, Michigan meteorologist named Garry Frank let loose on one particularly cold day venting not as much about the cold weather but the reactions and expectations of his co-workers for constantly complaining about it. His sarcastic rant includes mimicking his co-workers’ disappointed sighs and suggesting maybe he should just misrepresent the weather to be warmer to make everyone happy. It’s actually refreshing to see such human moments like this on the news.

#16: Sam the Cooking Guy Calls for Silence!

Hey, many of us get flustered and frustrated while cooking. Fortunately, our freakouts aren’t caught on live television. While appearing on “Today” with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb, Sam the Cooking Guy grew tired of the hosts’ constant interjections and firmly told them to pipe down. Sam realized his mistake when his outburst was met with a painfully awkward silence, and he tried alleviating the awkwardness with some smiles and jokes. Unfortunately, that was an error he simply couldn’t fix, and the rest of the segment proceeded rather coldly, with Gifford seeming particularly defensive.

#15: Maher Kicks Out Conspiracy Theorists

Live audiences are typically well behaved, but sometimes you get the clown who just wants to make noise. While Bill Maher was talking with U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, conspiracy theorists started loudly yelling from the audience. At first, Lee and Maher simply looked at them in amusement and cracked some jokes at their behalf. But then they kept going. This prompted Maher to stand up, colorfully inquire about the security, and personally run over to the conspiracy theorists to kick them out himself. This was met with loud cheers from the studio audience, so we think they were just as fed up with the troublemakers.

#14: Anchor Untethered

Back in 2009, Drew Smith, a news anchor for SNN News 6 in Sarasota Florida, had very little patience for poorly-worded transcripts. After struggling to get through a story, Smith sighs in frustration and hangs his head in shame. After a brief pause, Smith brandishes his copy of the script, and asks “Who writes this stuff!?” and asks either the crew or the viewers at home if they are as confused as he is. Before continuing on, Smith seemingly answers his earlier question by stating “some intern at NBC News Channel writes this crap.” But we get it. Poorly worded news is confusing for everyone, and quality control is important.

#13: Alexi Lalas Speaks His Mind

Sports commentators aren’t ones to mince words. If a performance sucks, they’re going to tell you about it. And Alexi Lalas, a former soccer star and pundit for Fox Sports, certainly told us about it. While covering a match between the Seattle Sounders and LA Galaxy, Lalas unleashes a barrage of insults against the national United States soccer team. He singles out specific people, including Tim Howard, Geoff Cameron, and Clint Dempsey, and says that those he didn’t single out “don’t even warrant a mention.” And that’s before calling them all “soft, underperforming, tattooed millionaires.” We don’t know if this is tough love or just straight up mean!

#12: “Let Me Talk, Carol!”

If this list proves anything, it’s that meteorologists are hanging on by a thread! This outburst concerns Chad Myers, the severe weather expert for CNN. While discussing Hurricane Katrina, anchor Carol Costello interrupts Myers and asks him to clarify the complex and technical terminology that he's using. Myers proceeds to yell, “Let me talk, Carol!” and throws his papers on the ground in frustration. Costello and Myers both laugh the incident off, and Myers states that he was “just having fun” with Costello. It seems clear that they do this simply to diffuse the palpable tension, because Myers was obviously not “having fun.” He is stressed the heck out.

#11: Andrew Dice Clay Fights Back

Live TV and comedians rarely make for a safe combination - especially comedians known for their provocative humor. When Andrew Dice Clay appeared on CNN, the anchor opened that Clay “was a headline guy” and asked him what it was like running a gym. The comments greatly upset Clay, who stated that he is still a headline guy - and never ran a gym. Following that, Clay launched into a tirade that involved numerous f-bombs and the very loud and very verbal disapprovement of the production. Our personal favorite bit has to be the anchor trying to segue into the next segment while Clay yells and swears off-camera.

#10: Weatherman Flips Out

This one was a question of priorities. In Dayton, Ohio, a local broadcast of “The Bachelorette” was interrupted by an emergency weather statement regarding an impending tornado. Midway through the broadcast, weatherman Jamie Simpson checked social media and saw that viewers were complaining about the interruption. This sent Simpson over the edge. He yelled at the viewers at home, went on a minute-long tirade, and called their reaction “pathetic”. Viewers weren’t happy, and Simpson wasn’t happy that they weren’t happy. Basically, no one was happy.

#9: Burning with Frustration

This is a hot one. OK, not literally, but there is fire involved! Mika Brzezinski is the co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” a weekday morning political talk show. Back in 2007, Brzezinski grew frustrated with the constant coverage of Paris Hilton. She attempts to set her news documents on fire, saying, “I’m done with the Paris Hilton story!” When her co-anchor takes the lighter away, Brzezinski gets up and throws the papers into a nearby paper shredder. When reflecting on the moment for a ten-year anniversary special, co-anchor Willie Geist called it “a symbolic moment for the show,” in that Brzezinski was refusing to air and discuss such trivial matters of celebrity.

#8: Charlo Greene Quits on Air

This rant by Alaska’s KTVA anchor Charlo Greene went viral. After reporting on the Alaska Cannabis Club, Greene shockingly revealed that she was the owner of the cannabis club and quit on live TV. Her resignation involved a lengthy speech, a well-timed f-bomb, and a dramatic walk off camera. This left the other KTVA anchor stunned and literally speechless as she tried to recover from Greene’s colorful on-air resignation. The clip subsequently went viral, and Greene found herself a bit of a champion within the marijuana industry. Unfortunately, her club was raided by police in 2016 and Greene was slapped with a felony conviction and a $10,000 fine.

#7: Ben Affleck Gets Worked Up

Back in October 2014, Ben Affleck appeared on the talk show “Real Time with Bill Maher” alongside author and podcast host Sam Harris. And it didn’t take too long for the fireworks to really get going. The discussion veers towards the subjects of radical Islam and Islamophobia, and battle lines are quickly drawn. Maher claims that Islam is [“the only religion that acts like the Mafia”] and Harris says that [“Islam is the motherload of bad ideas.”] The Oscar winner then goes off on the two men, calling their assertions “gross,” “racist,” and “ugly things to say.” All this while sitting back in his chair in frustration and muttering “Jesus Christ” under his breath. So, suffice to say he didn’t agree with their opinions.

#6: Sue Simmons Drops an F-Bomb

There’s something really funny about an otherwise professional news anchor breaking character and yelling out an f-bomb. After reading through the news teaser for WNBC, Simmons could loudly be heard cursing off-camera as the footage was rolling. Simmons was reportedly yelling at her co-anchor Chuck Scarborough, who was distracted by his computer. Unfortunately, Simmons didn’t realize that the segment was live. She later apologized to the viewers for her outburst, but really, more people were probably amused than offended. Seeing that boat drift in silence following her f-bomb is just comedic gold.

#5: R. Kelly vs. Gayle King

Even though this interview wasn’t aired “live,” it was presented exactly as filmed. R. Kelly has long been the subject of numerous sexual assault allegations. In March 2019, Kelly appeared on “CBS This Morning” with Gayle King to discuss the allegations and the recent documentary “Surviving R. Kelly.” Kelly grew increasingly emotional and frustrated as the interview progressed, culminating in him screaming right into the camera. He then stood up and continued to shout, pounding on his chest. It didn’t end there even, as his tirade continued for almost another minute.

#4: Walking Away From Bill O’Reilly

And here we have another disagreement arising over religion and extremism. Back in 2010, political commentator Bill O’Reilly appeared on “The View” to promote his book “Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama.” The discussion turns towards an Islamic community center called Park51, then scheduled to be built near Ground Zero. O’Reilly claims (without proof) that “70% of Americans don’t want that” and that it’s inappropriate [“because Muslims killed us on 9/11].” Whoopi yells “Oh my God!,” shoots back in her seat, and swears at O’Reilly, before she and Joy Behar storm off the set. This is anything but scripted, just a real impassioned reaction.

#3: Jim Ryan vs. Dick Oliver

This legendary argument took place on July 19, 2001. “Good Day New York” anchorman Jim Ryan is watching a report from Dick Oliver on a landlord-tenant dispute. It’s pretty normal, everyday stuff. Until it isn’t. After Oliver lets his tenant interviewee leave, Ryan chastises him for the quality of his reporting. This results in a bitter and very awkward back and forth on live television, and you can even see the tenant cringing and suppressing a laugh in the background. This incident would become so infamous that it inspired Bill Hader’s “Herb Welch” character on “Saturday Night Live,” with Hader portraying an elderly reporter as combative as he is incompetent.

#2: Kanye on Bush

Back in 2005, no one knew that rap extraordinaire Kanye West would become one of the most controversial and outspoken artists of the 21st century. That is, until “A Concert for Hurricane Relief.” This was a live benefit concert that was meant to raise money and awareness for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. West was paired with comedian Mike Myers and went off script, and Myers could only stare at him in confusion and nervousness. He knew something was coming. And something indeed came. West’s comment is now legendary, as is Myers’ reaction and the hilarious cutaway to Chris Tucker.

#1: Mike Tyson Blows His Stack

Back in 1992, Mike Tyson was sentenced to six years in prison for the assault of 18-year-old Desiree Washington. This topic was brought up years later, in 2014, when Tyson was visiting Toronto’s “CP24” news channel on a promotional tour after meeting with the city’s then-mayor, Rob Ford. News anchor Nathan Downer broaches the idea that the mayoral meeting could possibly have interfered with Ford’s election race. And Tyson is not happy. He initially responds in a seemingly controlled manner before utterly and profanely losing his composure multiple times eventually calling Downer “a rat piece of shit.” Downer reminds Tyson that they were on live TV, but he doesn’t seem to care. At all.
