Top 30 Craziest Fights on RuPaul's Drag Race

#30: Kennedy Davenport & Ginger Minj vs. Violet Chachki & Pearl
Season 7
Throughout “Drag Race” season 7, there was a divide between the veteran performers and the younger queens. When members of both groups made it to the finals, all hell threatened to break loose in “Untucked.” On the main stage, RuPaul asked each queen who didn’t deserve to make it to the end. Ginger and Kennedy stuck together, throwing the younger two under the bus. Questions about who was seasoned enough to handle the pressure of being America’s Next Drag Superstar turned the final four against each other. Feelings were hurt, shade was thrown, and old battle lines reemerged to inject some drama just before the finish line.
#29: Bosco vs. Lady Camden
Season 14
If the “Rusical” has taught us anything, it’s that choosing parts can become bloodsport. The leading role of Saltine in the “Moulin Ru” musical was a hot commodity, and Bosco and Lady Camden knew it. Neither would budge an inch. It got to the point that the two began making digs about each other’s talent while their fellow queens watched. While it isn’t the most outrageous fight in the show’s history, there’s something inherently unhinged about how such an inconsequential thing led to such personal insults. Petty arguments ballooning into all-out battles is why we love “Drag Race.”
#28: Daya Betty vs. Jasmine Kennedie
Season 14
These two queens had plenty to say to and about each other during the season. When they finally got to hash it out at the reunion, it turned into another fight and an impromptu group therapy session. Daya Betty’s blunt opinions clearly grated on Jasmine Kennedie throughout their time on the show. She accused Daya of being too personal with her insults, and never taking accountability for her comments. Daya detailed all the ways she had tried to make up for her insults. Though they eventually came to an understanding, their differing perspectives provided season 14’s reunion with its most dramatic moments.
#27: Kahanna Montrese & Kandy Muse vs. Heidi N Closet
All Stars 8
Backstage backstabbing and social strategy plays a big part in the “All Stars” seasons of “Drag Race.” But in season 8, it was the off-screen scheming that ended up affecting the game. A dust-up about Heidi N Closet making jokes at Kahanna Montrese’s expense during Snatch Game was just petty werk room drama before Kandy Muse stepped in. Apparently, Heidi had spilled about Kandy’s plans to vote frontrunner Jimbo out of the competition. But after some backtracking from Alexis Michelle, it became clear someone was lying. Heidi was soon taking heat from all directions. Rather than play a dirty game, Heidi chose to leave the competition.
#26: Willam vs. Milan
Season 4
Few queens could ruffle feathers like this season 4 problem child, and even fewer queens could care less about how they were being perceived. Every time she was safe in “Untucked,” just trying to have a good rapport with her shoes, there was sure to be someone catching a stray from Willam. This time, it was Milan. The two got into a brief spat. Despite being totally unbothered, Willam still came in hot with the quips. When Willam told Milan to stop raising her voice and come down to her level, Milan humorously responded by getting on the floor. We love a physical comedy queen.
#25: Derrick Barry vs. Naomi Smalls
Season 8
Everybody loves puppets! Especially when it comes to this mini-challenge, the shadiest puppet show in all the land. It’s hilarious for us at home, but the contestants sometimes get in their feelings about what their fellow queens think of them. Naomi Smalls and Derrick Barry’s impressions of each other led to a hilarious but savage exchange in the werk room afterward. It’s almost more unsettling how calm they were as they traded some fairly devastating and mean-spirited insults. Everything was on the table, including IQ points and hair lines. At this moment, we were all Kim Chi.
#24: Maddy Morphosis vs. Jasmine Kennedie
Season 14
Maddy may have been an underdog in the competition, but sometimes, she acted like top dog. Case in point: She gave one of the series’ best backhanded compliments. This fight was already threatening to erupt before Maddy Morphosis wished Jasmine Kennedie the second-best lip sync of the night, as they were sure to be in the bottom together. Well, Jasmine was not the one. Not only was she not bothered, but she was actually encouraging Maddy to get her last licks in before Jasmine sent her home. Ironically, it still kinda seemed like Jasmine’s moment.
#23: Roxxxy Andrews vs. Jinkx Monsoon
Season 5
The kooky Seattle queen was underestimated from the start, but as her doubters left the competition, Jinkx Monsoon emerged as a frontrunner. Her fellow finalist, Roxxxy Andrews, couldn’t handle it. Taking the brave stance that drag shouldn’t be fun, Roxxxy needled her fellow finalists as they entered the last challenge. Alaska saw right through her pageant girl mind games. But Jinkx finally got tired of treating her competitors’ jabs like water off a duck’s back. She rose up and matched Roxxxy’s energy. Given that Jinkx won the whole season, it’s clear Roxxxy’s strategy backfired. If anything, it just proved how much Jinkx had grown in the competition.
#22: Phi Phi O’Hara vs. Willam
Season 4
Throughout season four, Willam and Phi Phi had their fair share of memorable incidents, but none of them tops the iconic scene in episode eight when Phi Phi absolutely went off on Willam and laid all of her thoughts on the table. Phi Phi held nothing back and explicitly called Willam a fake, talentless rule breaker, all while Willam sat there calmly, waiting for the right moment to drop her iconic line. Willam’s energy during the whole ordeal is impeccable, and watching Phi Phi have a nearly one-sided conversation with herself remains entertaining to this day.
#21: Farrah Moan vs. Valentina
Season 9
This wasn’t the most overt fight on the show, but the tension between these two was intense during the reunion episode. As soon as Farrah Moan interjected and asked, “can I say something?,” the audience waited with bated breath because we all knew a storm was coming. Farrah Moan was clearly upset about Valentina’s lack of follow through with their friendship after the competition ended, and she was taking none of Valentina’s excuses. To be fair, it seemed like Valentina was rubbing everyone the wrong way that day, especially when she won Miss Congeniality.
#20: Derrick Barry vs. India Ferrah
All Stars 5
Derrick Barry may have only been on one episode of "All Stars 5," but her time on the season was marked by a major feud between her and India Ferrah. Things got messy once the two began arguing about a gig at Piranha nightclub that India was apparently kicked off of in favor of Derrick's partner and fellow drag queen, Nebraska. Derrick defended herself and accused India of calling Nebraska, a "pig in a wig." Clearly, neither party was willing to spare feelings as the two Las Vegas queens went at it.
#19: Alyssa Edwards vs. Phi Phi O’Hara
All Stars 2
Phi Phi O’Hara came back to the werk room for “All Stars 2” to prove that she was no longer a villain. Unfortunately, she didn’t exactly get the redemption arc she’d been hoping for. As the season went on, Phi Phi became frustrated by what she perceived as favoritism from the judges towards Alyssa for her “Alyssa-isms.” This came to a head after Alyssa’s first elimination. Thinking she was out of earshot, Phi Phi voiced her feelings back in the werk room, only to get caught out by the sickening mirror reveal. After a tense exchange, the pair superficially made up. But, this awkward moment after Alyssa eliminated Phi Phi, showed Phi Phi still held a grudge.
#18: The Vixen vs. Aquaria
Season 10
The Vixen took issue with Aquaria comments about her in the werk room and brought up her feelings about the issue during an episode of “Untucked.” Aquaria defended herself and her choices, choosing to turn the argument around on The Vixen by pointing out her negative attitude. This, of course, only made things worse, and things continued to escalate until Aquaria, overcome with emotion, began to cry. This merely set The Vixen off even more as she felt that Aquaria’s narrative unfairly boxed her into the “angry black woman” stereotype.
#17: Bob the Drag Queen vs. Derrick Barry
Season 8
What queen on “Drag Race” hasn’t thrown at least a bit of shade at their fellow contestants? At this point, we all know that nearly every one of the contestants on the show has had their fair share of snarky moments. So, when Derrick claimed that she had never shaded the other girls on her season, Bob understandably called her out for her blatant lie. Derrick proved Bob’s point almost immediately by throwing a pointed comment about Bob’s unique drag style, which prompted Bob to snap back with a zinger.
#16: Aiden Zhane & Heidi N Closet vs. Everyone
Season 12
Heidi left the rest of the group to focus all of her energy on preparing for her lip-sync, but she couldn’t help but overhear the rest of the cast ganging up against Aiden for being safe. The other queens felt that Aiden didn’t deserve to stay and called her out for her performance that week. Eventually, Heidi was fed up listening to the squabble underway. Heidi had enough of the noise and went off on the other queens for the continued harassment, and she stood up for Aiden at a time when none of the other girls would.
#15: Vanessa Vanjie Mateo vs. Yvie Oddly
Season 11
During “Drag Race,” tensions are bound to run high as each queen fights their hardest to stay another round. So, when Yvie accused Vanjie of telling Ru to send her home, we knew things were about to get ugly. These two queens are powerhouses in their own right, and when they started going off at each other, it was a sight to behold. Of course, Vanjie defended herself from Yvie’s words, but things only seemed to get worse. The other queens’ reactions during the fight really said it all.
#14: Silky Nutmeg Ganache vs. Yvie Oddly
Season 11
Who wouldn’t get a bit riled up if they heard a fellow competitor talking behind their back? Things between Silky and Yvie really popped off in episode seven of season 11 as soon as Yvie overheard Silky unfairly telling RuPaul that Yvie should leave the competition because of her sprained ankle. Talk about adding insult to injury. The tension between the two remained pretty palpable throughout the season. They also fought on “Untucked,” when Yvie unfavorably compared Silky to “Drag Race” winner Sasha Velour, making Silky feel like Yvie implied she wasn’t talented.
#13: Tatianna vs. Tyra Sanchez
Season 2
Tatianna put it best when she bluntly told Tyra, "I don't like you." Everything started to go downhill for Tyra's relationship with the other contestants during the bridal challenge, as her loud singing in the werk room annoyed the other queens and escalated tensions. Tatianna called Tyra out on stage in front of Ru and the other judges, but things really started to get interesting once everyone entered "Untucked." Tatianna took none of Tyra's excuses and managed to stay relatively calm as she called Tyra out for pretending like she didn't know better.
#12: Alyssa Edwards vs. Jade Jolie
Season 5
It seems that wherever Alyssa Edwards goes, drama follows. As well as her old beef with Coco, Alyssa had a whole fresh one with Jade Jolie in Season Five. It began with razor sharp reads in the workroom and finally erupted into a full fight in “Untucked.” Alyssa called Jade out for coming for her appearance and Jade called Alyssa out for acting nice when she was really a “mean girl.” Alyssa then lived up to this label by shadily saying she could read Jade for her “lack of talent.” Jade then went for the jugular, inadvertently blessing us with this iconic confessional cam reaction from Alyssa.
#11: Tatianna vs. Raven
Season 2
Tatianna and Raven threw a lot of shade in Season Two, so it wasn’t surprising when they clashed with each other so forcefully in the “Reunion” episode. RuPaul stirred the pot by playing clips of Raven giving her opinions about the other queens, and she did NOT mince her words about Tatianna. Tatianna was (understandably) fuming and let Raven HAVE it. She argued that while she talked trash about the other queens she was never “mean” in the way that Raven was. Raven defended herself by explaining that just gave her “honest opinion” when asked for it. Tatianna told Raven that though she was “beautiful” on the outside, her insides were “dark and nasty.” Ouch.
#10: Everyone vs. Serena ChaCha
Season 5
Being 21 years old and acting like you’re the best thing since pink glitter is not the way to endear yourself to a werk room full of seasoned queens. That’s exactly what Serena ChaCha found out on season 5. Her run was short, but in her two episodes, she stirred up so much contention within the group that it all exploded in one of the most quotable “Drag Race” fights ever. Serena’s inexperience, arrogance, and overall bad attitude got even the most level-headed veteran queens to lose their cool. It’s good she went out when she did, because honestly, things might have gotten ugly if she showed up to another “Untucked.”
#9: Everyone vs. Mimi Imfurst
All Stars 1
Mimi Imfurst had one of the most dramatic eliminations of all time when she competed on Season Three, and her loud personality followed her into the first “All Stars.” In the first episode of “Untucked,” Alexis Mateo brought up that she had felt “betrayed” by Mimi taking over a club she used to have a residency at, resulting in one of the most entertaining fights in “Drag Race” herstory. Alexis told Mimi she was “act[ing] a fool” and Raven questioned how Mimi had won the popular vote to return when she didn’t have enough fans. Cue Yara’s perfectly timed, scathing insult: [Yara: “Because they needed someone to go home first”] And, in the middle of it all, Tammie Brown was just, well, Tammie Brown.
#8: Everyone vs. Laganja Estranja
Season 6
Laganja Estranja is remembered for two things: her gag-worthy entrance and just being waaay too much. Laganja was accused of making up a fake, over-the-top personality for Season Six, and one that irritated both the judges and the rest of the contestants. After the “Drag Queens of Comedy” challenge, Bianca del Rio tried to fact-check the stories Laganja had told her about her past that simply didn’t add up. For Bianca, this reaffirmed the belief that she and everyone else had - including Laganja’s BFF, Adore Delano - that Laganja acted differently on- and off- camera. The other queens wanted her to drop the act and insisted they weren’t attacking her. Laganja begged to differ.
#7: Jiggly Caliente vs. Lashauwn Beyond
Season 4
Sewing has been a contentious issue on “Drag Race” since the show started, with some queens being skilled seamstresses, and others not seeing the point in crafting their own outfits. Feeling burned after her post-apocalyptic couture didn’t go down well on the runway, Jiggly Caliente argued she was a non-sewer who did her best. Lashauwn Beyond tried to shut down what she saw as excuses from Jiggly, which Jiggly denied she was making. Things escalated very quickly as their disagreement turned into a shouting match. In the end, Lashauwn made her intentions on the show crystal clear, with a line so endlessly quoted that it might as well be a “Drag Race” tagline by now.
#6: Eureka vs. The Vixen
Season 10
During their season, both Eureka and The Vixen had their fair share of heated moments with the other contestants, but things came to a head when they went head-to-head with each other during a major “Untucked” confrontation. Throughout season 10, it was pretty obvious that The Vixen and Eureka didn’t jive together, but things took a nosedive when Eureka told The Vixen that she was too “negative.” Immediately, tensions skyrocketed, leading Vixen to scream her now-legendary line about Eureka’s smoke break. Even during the reunion, it was obvious that the two hadn’t patched things up as The Vixen stormed off of the set after feeling unfairly confronted about her fight with Eureka.
#5: Alyssa Edwards vs. Coco Montrese
Season 5
Most “Drag Race” rivalries are born on the show. Alyssa Edwards and Coco Montrese, however, brought a lot more baggage to Season Five than just a suitcase full of gowns. The resentment was there from the moment the two queens locked eyes in the werk room. Coco explained that their relationship broke down after she filled in for Alyssa, after Alyssa was crowned “Miss Gay USA.” The ex-friends then tried to hash it out, arguing over who had it worse: Alyssa for being dethroned or Coco for having to embarrassingly complete another queen’s reign. After reaching an emotional climax, the fight was unresolved, and we knew it wouldn’t be long until the tension boiled over again.
#4: Mystique vs. Morgan McMichaels
Season 2
We said there’d be no physical fights on this list but Mystique and Morgan McMichaels came pretty damn close in Season Two’s “Untucked.” After shots were fired in the “Untucked” lounge, Morgan told the other queens she wasn’t going to put up with Mystique bad-mouthing her or anyone else. Mystique confronted Morgan, saying she didn’t know what she was talking about, to which Morgan answered that she was sick of hearing Mystique complaining loudly all day. The insults became personal and the gap between them got smaller, and when Morgan didn’t take Mystique’s butt-whooping threats seriously, Mystique had just one thing to say to her: [Mystique: “B*tch, I am from Chicago!”] The lesson? Don’t come for a Chicago queen!
#3: Kandy Muse vs. Tamisha Iman
Season 13
It’s not uncommon for the contestants to dish about how they thought the week’s challenge went. Well, Tamisha Iman decided this was the time to tell her season 13 castmate, Kandy Muse, how she felt about her personality. However, this went over about as well as flats on the runway. Neither one of them is the type of queen to let a shady comment go by, and it soon erupted into one of the show’s most volatile arguments. For many fans, it was a return to form for the series, which has seen less conflict in its later seasons. It even got the show nominated for Best Fight at the MTV Movie & TV Awards.
#2: Needles vs. Phi Phi O’Hara
Season 4
The only thing that can eclipse Alyssa Edwards’ and Coco Montrese’s rivalry is the one between Sharon Needles and Phi Phi O’Hara in Season Four. These frenemies made no secret of their feelings towards one another throughout their season. They even performed a musical number about it. In the third episode, team leader Phi Phi instructed Sharon to do her “spooky” schtick for the infomercial challenge, for which Sharon took home a win. Feeling as though Phi Phi was pigeon-holing her drag, Sharon confronted Phi Phi about it the next week, but was met with hostility when Phi Phi pointed out she’d won, regardless. Their quiet chat became a screaming match featuring this brilliant exchange
#1: Shangela vs. Mimi Imfurst
Season 3
Get your popcorn ready for this one! In the “Untucked” lounge, the queens laid into Mimi Imfurst’s look for the “Queens In Space” runway. Mimi clapped back that her futuristic drag had been the most “creative” while most of the other queens’ looked too similar to stand out. Shangela came for Mimi especially hard, pointing out the flaws in her outfit and stating that she didn’t think Mimi - a camp, comedy queen - could ever be glamorous. Mimi then made the mistake of accusing Shangela of having a “sugar daddy” to pay for everything she had. This brought the fight to a tense standstill. We were on tenterhooks for Shangela’s response, and it didn’t disappoint.
Which “Drag Race” fight do you still rewatch? Tell us in the comments.