Top 30 Most Rewatched Scenes in DC Movies

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the coolest clips from DC movies that we just can’t stop watching. We’ll only be focusing on the live-action films and be getting into spoilers. Is there a super rewatchable scene we missed? Let us know in the comments!
#30: Turning Back Time
“Zack Snyder’s Justice League” (2021)
Careful, if you blink, you might miss this stunning display of power. When the Justice League straight-up fails in trying to stop Darkseid, all hope is lost. With darkness looming around the corner, the Flash decides to do the impossible and turn the clock back. This results in an awesome sequence showing Barry tapping into the Speed Force. The score is terrific, the visuals are fantastic, and the badassery of the Flash is available for all to see. Barry didn’t just travel back in time. He gave the Justice League another chance and saved the whole world. Yeah, that sounds like something worthy of a rewatch!
#29: The Comedian Dies
“Watchmen” (2009)
The death of comedy happened when vigilante Edward Blake (better known as the Comedian) was thrown out of a window and crashed to his death. Maybe it didn’t actually kill comedy, but it did kill the Comedian and leave things on a sour note. Though we couldn’t see who attacked him at first, the movie later revealed that it was his teammate Ozymandias. He killed Comedian to prevent him from revealing his sinister plans for nuclear armageddon. This is a violent, action-packed fight that not only looks cool, but also kickstarts the events of the entire movie.
#28: Becoming Catwoman
“Batman Returns” (1992)
If cats have nine lives, Selina Kyle definitely started her second one during this sequence. After almost being murdered by her boss Max Shreck, she gets rejuvenated thanks to some plucky alley cats. With a new lease on life, she undergoes her transformation into Catwoman. This scene is a frantic yet exciting look at Selina’s radical change from a shy office assistant to a fearsome femme fatale. It’s a whole series of events that are messy, chaotic, and slightly manic. It’s also a stunning debut of Catwoman that not only grabs but demands your attention. If you weren’t giving it before, then you are now.
#27: Town Fight
“Wonder Woman” (2017)
Set amidst World War I, Wonder Woman takes the fight straight to the Germans when she battles them right in the heart of the town called Veld. She’s essentially a one-woman army all on her own as she tactically takes down enemies in her path. She’s deflecting bullets, kicking bad guys through walls, running through rooftops, and showing how strong she really is. It’s an excellent depiction of Wonder Woman that in just a few minutes shows exactly what she’s about. She’s the light in the darkness, and this scene makes that point clear. When you want to see Wonder Woman being a badass, this is one of the best clips to go back to.
#26: Fighting the Trench
“Aquaman” (2018)
As Aquaman and Mera experience turbulent waters aboard their ship, they’re joined by the presence of horrific creatures known as the Trench. The feral, hideous scaly creatures attack the two and keep us terrified the entire time. This might be a superhero movie, but if you ever wanted to see a horror movie with Aquaman set on the high seas, this scene gives you a taste. James Wan’s background as a horror director is on full display. It’s a shame that his planned movie about the Trench isn’t going forward, because this stuff really has us wanting more.
#25: The Blood Smile
“Joker” (2019)
Painting a smile onto your face with your own blood is a wild way to build to the conclusion of a movie. Arthur Fleck is a dangerous person and not someone to idolize, but you can’t deny how cool he looks. Standing on top of a wrecked car and dancing amidst chaos while surrounded by people cheering him on, it’s a lot to take in. When the music climactically builds up to the moment we’ve all been waiting for, it just hits like nothing else. It’s a moment of clarity for Arthur as the hapless loner has finally found his purpose. This scene let the world know that Arthur Fleck is the Joker, and don’t let a terrible sequel tell you otherwise!
#24: Lighting the Beacon
“The Dark Knight Rises” (2012)
Things weren’t looking too good after Bane took Batman out of action. But when he returned, he returned in a big way. After reuniting with Gordon, a beacon is sent out. A fiery bat symbol plastered onto the side of a bridge is a gnarly way to rally up the troops. When all seems lost, Batman comes back in the knick of time to send a message to the people of Gotham. That’s what makes this scene such a standout. Typically, we see him as a menacing force. He’s called the Dark Knight after all. He’s also a symbol of hope. It’s the kind of inspirational moment you can’t help but go back to all the time.
#23: Batman & Superman Face Off
“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016)
Say what you want about the divisive “Batman v Superman” movie, but when it was time for these two titans to finally slug it out, it was a battle of epic proportions. The Caped Crusader’s clash against the Man of Steel was an action-packed spectacle, to say the least. Batman put out all the stops and tried some incredibly creative ways to work around Superman. You’d think that this Kryptonian would trample the competition but surprisingly Batman holds his own. With great action all around, this fight is made to be seen over and over again. Though the highly-memed “Martha” clip (the one we rewatch because it’s so bad) derailed the brawl, this fight is still a joy to view regardless.
#22: Rorschach Makes Doctor Manhattan Destroy Him
“Watchmen” (2009)
What do you do if you’re in the presence of someone who’s basically God? Well, if you’re Rorschach, you goad him into killing you. Rather than live knowing the atrocities that Ozymandias committed, he chooses death. This results in some of the most chilling visuals in a superhero movie. Defiant to the very end, Rorschach stood his ground against near omnipotence. He’s hardly a great person, but you can’t help but feel gutted by what happens to him. This is an intense standoff with a bitter conclusion you can’t look away from.
#21: Chasing Down the Penguin
“The Batman” (2022)
It’s life in the fast lane in this iconic clip from “The Batman.” As Penguin makes a run for it, he’s chased down by none other than the Dark Knight. What follows is one of the most entertaining car chases we’ve ever seen in a “Batman” movie. It’s definitely up there! Seriously, this is an immersive, one-of-a-kind experience. The roar of the engine, the stunning design of the Batmobile, the pure pandemonium, it’s insane in the best way possible. This is a lengthy adrenaline-filled sequence that shows just how much of a pure force of nature Batman is. If the Bat wants to get you, then he’s going to get you. Watching this only once might as well be a crime.
#20: Police Station Fight
“Birds of Prey” (2020)
In order to escape being killed by mob boss Roman Sionis, a.k.a. Black Mask, Harley Quinn agrees to retrieve a diamond stolen and then swallowed by pickpocket Cassandra Cain. The only problem? Young Cassandra is in police lockup. So, armed with a grenade launcher, confetti, and beanbag rounds, Harley storms the police station and shoots, kicks, and throws her way past cops and robbers alike to accomplish her objective. Bright, colorful, and sporting attitude and creative choreography both, this is a fight scene that many fans consider “poifect” for rewatching.
#19: Side-Eye
“Justice League” (2017)
Resurrecting Superman to combat Steppenwolf and his hordes seems like a good idea in theory and in practice, but it almost goes disastrously wrong! The team’s attempts to restore Clark Kent’s memories quickly escalate into a full-blown fight, as the amnesiac Last Son of Krypton perceives his would-be allies as enemies. The Justice League’s attempts at subduing Superman prove largely fruitless, but things start to look especially dire when the Flash goes super-fast and gets understandably freaked out when Superman’s eyes follow him and then proceeds to demolish him at his own speed. Thankfully, Batman arrives with Lois Lane to calm things down. Still, revisiting this darker turn for Superman is entertaining.
#18: Saving the Plane
“Superman Returns” (2006)
After returning from Krypton, Clark Kent discovers that the world - and Lois Lane - have seemingly moved on without him. When the intrepid reporter covers a story about a space shuttle launching from a passenger plane, something goes wrong and the newly returned Man of Steel flies into action. After disconnecting the shuttle, Supes then has to steady the plane, which gets significantly more difficult when the wings snap off. Fortunately, he’s able to catch the falling aircraft before it crashes into a baseball game. Harrowing and engaging throughout, this sequence does an excellent job of letting us feel the horror of the passengers and getting us to root for Superman’s inevitable rescue, even if we’ve seen it before.
#17: “The Times They Are a-Changin’”
“Watchmen” (2009)
Exposition is usually dull or worse, distracting. However, “Watchmen” manages to set up its world in an entertaining and memorable way. Through a montage set to Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are a-Changin’,” we are shown a world in which costumed vigilantes are real, as well as the effects they’ve had on the 20th century. What’s usually a chore to experience suddenly becomes a dynamic and engaging sequence, conveying most of its information visually and with very little dialogue. Plus, the numerous little details and foreshadowing for later events in the movie make this “Watchmen” sequence very… rewatchable.
#16: Saving Martha
“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016)
While Superman urging Batman to save his mother may have been one of the most divisive moments of this incredibly divisive film, there’s one thing nearly everyone can agree on – that this scene is badass! Using the Batwing to infiltrate a warehouse where Martha Kent is being held by goons, Batman proceeds to outwit, outmaneuver, and outfight them at nearly every turn, although they do get a few licks and shots in at the Caped Crusader. The action is well-paced, expertly executed, and juuuussst violent enough. Honestly, it’s one of the best Batman fight scenes ever, which is probably why people keep rewatching it.
#15: Locked in Here
“Watchmen” (2009)
Rorschach is one of “Watchmen”’s most fascinating characters. The uncompromising and violent vigilante is eventually put away behind bars with many of the criminals he helped put away. Although there’s some concern about putting him into the general population because of this, enough that he’s psychoanalyzed, the authorities’ reservations were unfounded… at least in the way they thought. While getting lunch in the cafeteria, an inmate tries to attack Rorschach, only for him to easily dispatch him and then pour burning oil all over him. His assertion that he’s not locked up with them, they’re locked up with him is both incredibly badass and also kind of terrifying, which is Rorschach all over.
#14: Batmobile / Pod Chase
“The Dark Knight” (2008)
After Harvey Dent claims that he is Batman, the district attorney is taken into protective custody. However, the Joker and his minions attack the police convoy. Thankfully, Batman intervenes. The Dark Knight defends the motorcade with his Batmobile, taking enough damage that he converts it into the Batpod mid-chase and manages to take down the Joker; allowing the clown criminal to be taken into custody. Full of explosive and jaw-dropping action, as well as some humorous color-commentary by police escorts and the Joker himself, this chase scene never fails to get us hyped.
#13: “Wait ‘Til They Get a Load of Me”
“Batman” (1989)
Although it’s an origin story for its titular character, “Batman” also depicts the beginnings of its version of the Joker. Once known as Jack Napier, the mobster is dropped into a vat of chemicals by Batman that radically alters his appearance. Reveling in his joyfully insane new attitude, Jack gleefully takes out his former employer for setting him up. Then, upon seeing Batman’s exploits mentioned in the paper, Joker remarks that if they think his nemesis is terrorizing Gotham, just wait until they get a load of him. The menacing line is iconic and somehow made even more creepy by his nonsensical “oop-ing” and laughter.
#12: “I’ve Got You”
“Superman” (1978)
After a helicopter accident, Lois Lane is left dangling from the edge of the aircraft over the side of a tall building. Down below, Clark Kent makes a quick change into his alter ego, Superman. It’s the Man of Steel’s first high profile rescue, and he does it in style, saving both Lois and the helicopter as they fall. Sure, the effects might be dated now, but it’s an iconic scene, boasting infinitely quotable lines of dialogue and further elevated by John Williams’ score. Superman has made some great saves over the years, but even decades later, this is one that continues to stand out.
#11: Superpower Testing
“Shazam!” (2019)
In this unique superhero comedy, troubled foster child Billy Batson gains the incredible ability to transform into an adult superhero. With help from his new foster brother Freddy, Billy goes through a series of tests to determine the exact nature and limits of his newfound superpowers. The tests themselves are quite funny, and the rapid fire editing style only adds to the hilarity. This scene is an absolute blast to watch, and whether you’re a kid, or just one at heart, you have to admit that you’d probably do many of the same things as Billy. Plus the whole thing is set to Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now”, which perfectly sets the tone.
#10: Joker’s Introduction
“The Dark Knight” (2008)
The opening scene of this acclaimed Batman film sees criminals in clown masks robbing a bank. As each crook fulfills the role he’s been assigned, he’s promptly killed off by another member of the crew. One of the last goons standing tries to get the drop on his accomplice, only to be maneuvered into the path of a school bus by the last clown standing - who’s revealed to be none other than the man who hired them, the Joker! Tense and expertly crafted, this opening sequence is like a miniature heist movie inside an amazing superhero movie! And it makes for one heck of an introduction to the Clown Prince of Crime.
#9: “How About Another Joke, Murray?”
“Joker” (2019)
While we considered discussing the memetic wonder that is the stair dance, Arthur Fleck’s appearance on a talk show is arguably even more iconic. Arthur Fleck is invited onto a late-night talk show after a video of his awkward standup came to host Murray Franklin’s attention. Like much of the film, Arthur, now going by Joker, is tense and off-putting, but is now unabashed in displaying his opinions, telling tasteless jokes, and admitting to murders that have the whole city in an uproar. Arthur then proclaims that society gets what it deserves for mistreating mentally ill people like him, before shooting Murray live on air. Thousands of memes have resulted from the scene, as well as a ton of rewatches.
#8: V’s Introduction
“V for Vendetta” (2005)
Now this is how you introduce a character! After being accosted by secret police in a dystopian version of London, Evey Hammond is rescued by a man in a Guy Fawkes mask. Her mysterious savior proceeds to dispatch the corrupt policemen with knives, a surprising level of brute force, and some theatrically harsh insults. He then goes on to introduce himself to Evey, in an amazingly delivered speech that uses what feels like every word beginning with the letter “V” in the English language. Vengeful, vivid, and occasionally vexing, V’s first scene has style, action, and lines of dialogue that we’re happy to hear time and time again.
#7: Bane in the Plane Brings the Pain
“The Dark Knight Rises” (2012)
While “The Dark Knight Rises” has a lot of thrilling moments we could have discussed, from Bane breaking Batman, to Bruce Wayne’s prison escape climb, the movie’s opening is especially memorable. The CIA takes custody of several mercenaries and a nuclear physicist. While interrogating the mercs about Bane, one of them reveals himself to be the masked man himself. Bane’s men then board the plane from another one flying above it, while also abducting the physicist and crashing the CIA’s aircraft. Full of creative camera work, excellent action, notable quotables from Bane, and Hans Zimmer’s blood-quickening score, this is a scene.
#6: Dr. Manhattan’s Transformation
“Watchmen” (2009)
Most of the heroes in the “Watchmen” universe aren’t super at all, but Dr. Manhattan’s abilities make him among the most powerful beings in any fictional world. The blue, glowing god-like man can reshape himself and the world around him. He also lives disconnected from time. During a narration of his origins, the former John Osterman observes his past, present, and future with little distinction between them. An accident at a nuclear plant disintegrates the physicist, and his gradual reassembly and reveal help put the “awe” in “awesome” - especially as the music swells. Say what you will about this divisive adaptation, it absolutely nails the majesty of this character.
#5: “I’m Batman!”
“Batman Begins” (2005)
With the greatest respect to Michael Keaton’s Batman, who said it first, as well as Christian Bale’s wonderfully intimidating “swear to me!” moment, we have to go with the cooler sequence present in this origin story. Shortly after donning the cape, Batman pursues a mobster’s men as they unload a shipment of drugs from some shipping containers. Batman slowly stalking and picking off the criminals is incredibly cool and kind of terrifying. This is the Dark Knight operating in a manner worthy of his comic book counterpart. And topping it off by reaching into the head mobster’s car and introducing himself? EPIC. We’re here for it – all day, every day.
#4: The Pencil Trick
“The Dark Knight” (2008)
As famous and great as the Joker’s first “Why so serious?” scene is, this scene is possibly more rewatchable. During a meeting of mob bosses, the Joker strolls in with an unsettling laugh. He proceeds to not only kill a henchman with only a pencil, but also poke holes in the plans of the gangsters he’s robbed. The Joker then offers to kill Batman for them, but only for half of all their money. It’s hard not to hang on Heath Ledger’s every word and nuance whenever he’s onscreen and this scene has his talents on full display. Very few scenes manage to “blow” us away again and again quite like this one.
#3: First Flight
“Man of Steel” (2013)
After Clark Kent dons his iconic suit and cape for the first time, he decides to test his limits and attempts to fly for the first time, all while Jor-El offers his hopes for his Kryptonian son’s ability to give the people of Earth someone to strive for. As Hans Zimmer’s score soars along with him, it’s easy to imagine you’re flying right along with Clark. “Man of Steel” may have proven contentious among audiences, but we’d argue that few movie scenes have captured the wonder and hope the Superman character inspires quite as well as this one – and judging by how often people have rewatched it, fans definitely agree.
#2: No Man’s Land
“Wonder Woman” (2017)
While attempting to go behind enemy lines during the First World War, Diana and her comrades are faced with the challenge of getting through No Man’s Land. Our heroine is told that it’s impossible to traverse and that the people suffering on the other side simply can’t be saved. But Diana decides to do it anyway, shedding her disguise and charging the German lines. Not only is this an amazing action scene, it’s arguably also the moment in which the character goes from being Diana to truly becoming Wonder Woman. Can you believe that director Patty Jenkins actually had to fight executives to keep this scene in the movie?!
#1: Batman Interrogates the Joker
“The Dark Knight” (2008)
Although “The Dark Knight” is essentially just one rewatchable and/or memorable moment after another, this is arguably the scene people come back to the most. Batman is allowed a chance to interrogate the Joker to locate Harvey Dent and the results are dramatic gold. Heath Ledger’s performance is absolutely magnetic; every line and little gesture from this scene now feels iconic. His masterful manipulation of Batman, even as the hero loses his temper and starts beating him, is incredible to watch in action. The scene is mostly just two men talking in a room, but it’s some of the greatest and most electric cinema the superhero genre has to offer.