Top 5 Facts about Hoverboards

Hoverboards. We've always dreamed of having them but it seems to have taken the technology some time to… get off the ground. Welcome to and Top 5 Facts. In this instalment we're counting down the five most gravitating hoverboard facts.
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Top 5 Facts – Hoverboards
Hoverboards. We’ve always dreamed of having them but it seems to have taken the technology some time to… get off the ground. Welcome to Top 5 Facts. In this instalment we're counting down the five most gravitating hoverboard facts. For this video, we’re including facts about both the science-fiction hoverboards and those nifty self-balancing scooters that seem hell-bent on killing us all. Yeah, we know they don’t actually hover, and yeah, we’re pissed off that they’re nevertheless called hoverboards too. But what’re you gonna do?
#5: This Priest Hovered into Trouble
A Catholic priest in the Philippines decided to add a little flair to Christmas Eve by performing his service on a hoverboard Segway. They say you’ll never get bored with a hoverboard, and this audience certainly wasn’t, but the other church representatives had a much different opinion. Father Albert San Jose found himself suspended for his stunt on grounds that he was “Capriciously introducing something to get the attention of the people” and was overall disrespectful. Silly padre, people aren’t supposed to enjoy being in church!
#4: These Boards are Getting Hoverbanned
Hoverboard owners may be excited to hop on their new toy and show the world, but they might be hard pressed to find somewhere to do so. Several major cities in the US have begun banning the use of hoverboards in public spaces. This means places like universities and shopping malls are a no-go. Even Wiz Khalifa was restrained for riding one in at Los Angeles International Airport. The NYPD have pretty much declared war on the things, and laws in the UK have outright banned hoverboards on roads, sidewalks, and other public spaces, as they’re considered “Personal Transportation”. So if you want to get some use out of your board, you might want to start by clearing up the basement. And maybe buying a fire extinguisher, because…
#3: They Seem to Catch on Fire
It’s no secret that hoverboards have been responsible for a long series of public injuries. But it seems poor piloting might not be the only hazards these little death traps can offer. Reports of faulty hoverboards bursting into flames in people’s homes have begun to surface. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission there are already at least 40 reports of hoverboards igniting, most often whilst charging. It’s said that these incidents are likely caused by lithium ion batteries overheating in some of the cheaper hoverboard models. As a result, Amazon has pulled many of their products off the website, and offered a refund on those already purchased.
#2: Magnets Could Make Your Dreams Come True
Alright, time for the good stuff: hoverboards that actually hover.
The Japanese car company, Lexus, have created a hoverboard that actually levitates. The board functions by harnessing the powers of “magnetic levitation”, meaning it’s packed with magnets, superconductors, and liquid nitrogen.
The main limitation here, however, is that these boards can only be used on magnetic tracks, and so far can only reach about an inch or two off the ground, so don’t expect to outrun any thugs. Unfortunately, Lexus has no plans to make these a commercial product so you might just have to stick to traditional skateboards for now. Womp womp.
#1: Fans of Hovering Need Fans to Hover
All hope is not yet lost, as the aerospace company ‘ARCA Space’ has invented a board might just make life worth living. Christened ‘The ArcaBoard’, this hoverboard is electrically powered by a series of miniature fans able to carry up to 240 lbs in weight. Sure fans may not sound as cool as “hover conversion”, or even “quantum locking” but at least this one can actually fly. The ArcaBoard–also known (by me) as the Wind Whizzer, the Blow Box, and the Fly Pad, has been tested to reach up to 30 cm. Although, with a shelf price of almost $20,000 and only enough battery power for 6 minutes of flight, this board may not completely deliver on the promise of the future, but at least it’s a glide in the right direction.
So, are you staying optimistic for the future of Hoverboards? Or should we just be satisfied with these wannabe firetrap two wheel boards of sadness? Until next time, for more uplifting Top 10s and patent-infringing Top 5s, be sure to subscribe to!