Top 5 Facts: Superstitions

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Top 5 Superstition Facts
If you're very superstitious, and the writing's on the wall, (and even if you're not, and it isn't)... Then welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts. In this instalment we're counting down the five most fascinating things that you probably didn't know about superstition!
#5: The Most Superstitious Americans Are Young, Female, Christian Democrats
Surveys tell us that around one in four Americans can be described as 'superstitious'... Just over 50% of women admit to being superstitious at least to some degree, whilst the figure drops to 29% for the less receptive male population... Christians are considered more superstitious than atheists, and Democrats are statistically more so than Republicans! The proportion of people admitting to superstition also declines with age... So, if you're a young, church-going, female fan of Barrack Obama, chances are you dodged the cracks in the sidewalk on your way to work today? And probably picked that penny up, just for the luck? Right??
#4: With Great Power, Comes Great Superstition
Somewhat worryingly, some major historical figures were faithfully superstitious. Napoleon Bonaparte regularly consulted a clairvoyant for guidance, and placed massive importance on the content of his own dreams. Queen Elizabeth I also employed a 'magician', who she often met with to make important governmental decisions. In more modern times, sports stars have taken the superstitious mantel! Basketball legend Michael Jordan reportedly wore the same college shorts underneath his actual kit throughout his career; hockey legend Patrick Roy, preferred stepping, and not skating, over red and blue lines; And golfing great Tiger Woods always wears a red shirt during a Sunday round! He'd hate to get a hole in one of those!
#3: Italy spends a lot of money on astrology!
Italy's an incredibly superstitious country, and, when the credit crunch was at its crunchiest circa 2010, the nation was shelling out over $7.5 billion on fortune tellers and astrologists! I guess they hoped their trusted professional mystic could give them sound investment advice. To be fair to Italy though, there are lots of quirky superstitions all over the world. In South Korea, it’s widely believed that falling asleep with a fan running will kill you. In Syria, yo-yos are a no-no because it's believed that they'll bring drought; Turkish superstitions forbid all sorts of things done at night: don’t clip your toenails, don’t kill spiders, don’t count stars, and if you chew gum after midnight, it will turn into rotten flesh.
#2: Black cats used to bring good luck
One of the world's most widely-known superstitions, however, is that black cats bring bad luck - but it hasn't always been the case! Their association with witchcraft in North America and Europe dates back to the Middle Ages, but for sailors and pirates, a black cat on board is usually considered an omen of good fortune! King Charles I also believed in black cats’ power as, upon the death of his own, he lamented his loss of luck with it. And was then arrested for treason the very next day! In Ancient Egypt also, where cats in general were idolised, the black cat was especially associated with the Goddess Bastet, and Egyptians practically prayed that one would cross their path one day.
#1: Friday 13th is Bad for Business
Unlucky for some and viewed unfavourably by most, Friday 13th occurs, on average, once every 212.35 days! But, regardless of where you stand in terms of superstition, one thing is for certain - it's a supremely unlucky day for businesses! With around 19 million Americans affected by a Friday 13th fear, stats show that many choose to lock the doors and stay at home whenever the date rolls by, meaning that much, much less money is made elsewhere! The totally legitimate looking 'Stress Management and Phobia Institute' estimates the overall loss to be as high as $900 million, on every offending Friday!
So, which superstitions to you abide by? Until next time, don't smash mirrors, do carry horseshoes, and don't blame us for your bad luck! For more magically inspired Top 10s and astrologically admired Top 5s, be sure to subscribe to!