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VOICE OVER: Chris Masson
Script written by Q.V. Hough

Yes, you read that right. It may be dangerously anthropocentric to say so, but dolphins have some peculiar, unexpected sexual habits. Dolphins commit dolphin rape, they kill baby dolphins, and the dolphin penis is... something. (We actually set out to simply make a list of the most interesting facts about dolphins, it just so happened that the most surprising stuff we learned was all about dolphin sex!)

Special thanks to user John MasterFall for suggesting this list using our interactive suggestion tool: http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest

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#5: Male Dolphins Use Weeds to Woo

Some male dolphins have their romance game on point. They carry big sticks and even load themselves up on weeds. And this is for one important reason: the ladies. In a study of over 6,000 groups of dolphins in the Amazon, researchers documented 212 groups among whom carrying bouquets of seaweed, sticks or lumps of clay was just part of the dating game. Male aggression actually increased in those groups, while females didn’t carry any objects at all. Researchers argue that this behaviour is actually proof of culture in animals, as the males have learned the proper techniques from those who came before.

#4: Dolphins Kill Their Own Babies and Torture Young Porpoises

Well, if they do have culture, infanticide is a too-real part of it. And by “infanticide,” we mean that male dolphins kill their own babies. Unfortunately, this is because females are less interested in mating when they have children. As a result, the males freak out, and they take it out on their own. Even baby porpoises have felt the wrath, especially given their relatively similar look, as male dolphins have been documented killing baby porpoises with tactical group blows. Why attack those porpoises? For fun! They have been photographed tossing around porpoises like a cat toying with a mouse.

#3: Dolphins Are Sexually Aggressive and Violent

Male dolphins have been known to sexually force themselves upon females. And if that’s not disturbing enough, the attacks are especially violent. Males actually work together when targeting their victims, starving and trapping them for extended periods of time. And bottlenose dolphins are the most notorious for sexual violence against their own. After a six-year study of dolphins in Western Australia, Professor Richard Connor noted the “constant drama” and “soap operatics” of the dolphins’ social lives. He also documented an “open society,” meaning that males formed alliances for both defensive and sexual reasons. To put it plainly, dolphins work together to rape other dolphins.

#2: Dolphins Masturbate

Dolphins use their flippers to, uh, bring joy into their lives. And this is just a simple fact about their sexual behavior, which extends well beyond procreation. When two dolphins mate, foreplay is typically involved. However, some dolphins just can’t wait, and live eels have been used for sexual gratification. The exact method is kind of twisted too. They wrap the eel around their junk, which the eel doesn’t like, so it fights to get away, and, well, that wriggling does the trick for pervy Mr. Dolphin. Dolphins are horny, and even unassuming humans being have been targeted. There have been a few documented cases of dolphins actually developing sexual relationships with humans too.

#1: Male Dolphins Have Retractable Hand-Like Penises

The dolphin penis hooks, wraps and even swivels its way around. It is prehensile, meaning it can grab onto things. Some friendly dolphins have been known to hook it on to people’s arms and tow them around. Dolphins actually have a slit that covers up their penis, but given their highly sexual behavior, the penis is often out and about, Free Willy style. When you consider the particulars of dolphin anatomy and the fact that they are, after all, underwater mammals, their penises are actually well-adapted. The dolphin penis may be disturbing to some, yet it’s crucial to their biology, strange as it may be.

So, do you think of dolphins any differently now? And have you ever witnessed any bizarre dolphin antics yourself? For more well-adapted top 10s and prehensile Top 5s, be sure to subscribe to

Dolphins are fucking disgusting hope they stop raping things. RIP the eels.