Top 5 Myths About Las Vegas

What happens in Vegas… gets passed around in a drunken conversation and is then perpetuated into an dirty, overblown myth.Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Myths, the series that finds the biggest myths people actually believe, and dispels them one by one. In today's instalment, we're looking at the five myths about Las Vegas that you may have bet the farm on.
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#5: Street Prostitution Is Legal
Despite what you might’ve heard or even experienced, one cannot legally buy sex in Las Vegas. Sure, there are plenty of exotic entertainers on “The Strip” and certainly plenty of adult-themed shows, but legalized prostitution actually takes place outside Sin City. In fact, the Nevada counties of Clark, Washoe, Douglas and Lincoln are all good to go for anyone in search of that perfect brothel.
And if you happen to be looking for the infamous “Chicken Ranch,” well, that’s a full 60 miles west of Vegas, with the Moonlight Bunny Ranch being approximately 370 miles beyond that.
So, if you have “a friend” that is curious about legalized prostitution in Las Vegas, just let them know that a full tank of gas will be needed for a lengthy road trip out of town.
#4: All Las Vegas Shows Feature Has-Beens
On Las Vegas Boulevard, the marquees highlight all the biggest names in town. Some acts spend years performing, with stars like Britney Spears and Shania Twain who relocated to Sin City for extended stays and big paychecks.
However, people often confuse the major players as being all that Vegas has to offer, giving the impression that former stars are recycled from year to year in some kind of tired system.
But considering the amount of venues and yearly visitors, there’s always fresh talent to be found on “The Strip.” And that’s part of the magic, as you never know if you’ll come across an emerging artist like the Canadian singer Veronic DiCaire, who used it as a Launchpad for her career. So rejoice, Vegas isn’t just where careers go to die.
#3: Las Vegas Will Leave You Broke, Not Your Own Bad Decisions
So you’ve watched a flashy gambling movie and you think Vegas is gonna bleed your wallet dry? Well that’s probably going to be more because of your own silly decisions. The Average gambler spends around $530, which is a lot...but isn’t exactly going to break the bank. And contrary to what you’ve seen on the big screen, the casinos aren’t filled with super-gamblers that target your inexperienced ass.
In fact, given that approximately 40 million people visit Las Vegas per year, you’re more likely to go face-to-face with the other money-hungry amateurs that are filling up tables on the daily.
It’s simply about luck, preparation and opportunity. What’s more, it’s highly unlikely that the machines in these famous casinos are rigged – it’s just that the odds favor the house ALL of the time. The place would’ve been shut down years ago if that were the case.
#2: Las Vegas Has Nothing to Offer Beyond “The Strip”
“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”Sure, that’s a selling point for many, as part of the Sin city allure revolves around the glamour, the booze and the spontaneity that is synonymous The Strip. But this type of tunnel vision often minimizes the city’s broader appeal while perpetuating the myth that Las Vegas isn’t family friendly.
It’s a matter of knowing your options, and there are certainly plenty of outdoor excursions to be enjoyed. Lake Mead. Red Rock Canyon. Even Hoover Dam may be worth your time.
And there’s always the open road, of course, if you’re looking to get outside yourself and the city. So, don’t limit your options, tourists. Enjoy the spectacular desert vistas, get off the beaten path and live your glorious life! …ah hell who am I kidding, you’re probably just going to drink and gamble.
#1: Drunk People Can Legally Marry in Las Vegas
In 2009, “The Hangover” became a massive hit, largely in part by the romanticized depictions of Vegas: booze, bros and bad decisions.
This combination usually means that at least one extremely drunk person is getting hitched, right? Nah. One cannot simply get wasted in Las Vegas and legally marry. It’s true, as the law states that couples must both be sober. Yeah, pop culture usually promotes this idea, and in theory, we all probably know of someone fully capable of getting hammered and hitched, but the proverbial drunk Vegas wedding is, in fact, a myth. On the flip side, it’s easy to get a marriage license, but that doesn’t mean anything until you make the conscious decision to tie the knot. And no, it doesn’t have to be Elvis that conducts the ceremony, even if it could make for a better story.
So, which of these myths did you believe? Here’s what google searchers are asking about Las Vegas. Is Las Vegas going to run out of water? Will Las Vegas get an NHL team? When is Las Vegas Ikea opening? For more lucky top 10s and Jackpot Top 5s, be sure to subscribe to