Top 5 Need to Know Facts about Sense8

Netflix recently cancelled the beloved show Sense 8. Though it was short lived, here's our list of Top 5 Need to Know facts about the show! When the news broke that Netflix would not continue with the show, fans created online petitions, used the hashtag #RenewSense8 and even called Netflix! All their hard work paid off – albeit temporarily – as the streaming giant looked into renewing the show a second time but decided it simply wasn't possible. At the very least they deserve some props for trying! Did you know that it was often shot in front of a real crowd? Another way in which the Wachowskis infused “Sense8” with a sense of realism was by choosing to shoot many of their scenes in front of real crowds.
#5: Upon Cancelation, Fans Petitioned to Save the Show
As is now common knowledge, “Sense8” will not be returning for a third season. The show was abruptly canceled on June 1st, 2017 because its low viewership couldn’t sustain the high production costs. The move came as a shock to “Sense8’s” ardent fan base, and it wasn’t long before they took to Twitter to express their concerns. In an attempt to revive the show, fans also created online petitions, used the hashtag #RenewSense8, and even called Netflix! All their hard work paid off, as the streaming giant announced on June 29, 2017 that the show would return with a two-hour series finale, which is set to air in 2018.
#4: Jamie Clayton Is Transgender, Like Her Character
For years, members of the transgender community have watched as countless cisgender actors have been given roles that arguably should’ve gone to them. Yet, “Sense8” opted to go a different route, choosing to have the character of Nomi Marks, a trans woman from San Francisco, be played by Jamie Clayton, herself a transgender woman. The insistence that the character be portrayed accurately can in part be attributed to the creators of the show, Lana and Lilly Wachowski, who are both trans women. The show’s willingness to present LGBTQ characters and themes has earned it praise from a number of different social activist groups.
#3: It Was Often Shot in Front of a Real Crowd
Another way in which the Wachowskis infused “Sense8” with a sense of realism was by choosing to shoot many of their scenes in front of real crowds. For instance, when the character of Riley is first introduced, it’s during a live DJ set. For this scene, the director had Tuppence Middleton - the actress playing Riley - perform between two real DJs at the KOKO theater in downtown London. Additionally, the scene in which Nomi and Amanita take part in the San Francisco pride parade was shot during the actual parade! Who knows, you may have been in an episode of “Sense8” and not even realized it!
#2: The Wachowskis Simplified Seemingly Complicated Shots
In a series noted for its large ensemble of characters that are constantly popping in and out of each other’s lives, seemingly at random, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that shooting was a logistical nightmare. However, the Wachowskis, ever the innovators, decided against post-production editing, using a number of different stunts and tricks to make it appear that the sensates were in the same location. Camera pans, character blocking, actors ducking in and out of the frame, and clever prop placement are all ways in which the creators made it appear that the sensates were in one place. Talk about complex choreography!
#1: The Show Shot in Several Cities
While other shows may have tried to substitute Toronto for Reykjavik or Berlin, “Sense8” pulled out all the stops and shot almost everything on location. This meant that the cast and crew did a lot of flying. Like, a lot of flying. Like, over 250,000 miles worth of flying. The first season saw the cast and crew film in 9 cities out of 8 different countries, while the second featured 16 cities found in 11 countries. Cities such as São Paulo, Amsterdam, and Mumbai were all given the respect they deserved and shot on location. Additionally, different directors were put in charge of shooting different cities. As such, they were responsible for shooting locations, not individual episodes. Talk about a dream job!