Top 5 Reasons Daylight Saving Time Needs to Die

Just because your parents did it, doesn't mean you should too! From its negligible effects on energy consumption to its power to increase insomnia, there are many arguments against this clock-altering practice. WatchMojo is counting down the reasons why daylight savings should be done away with.
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#5: It’s Already On the Way Out
Daylight Saving Time is something most of us have lived with our entire lives, and as such, we accept it as the inconvenient status quo. But DST is not standard practice around the globe. Though many countries around the world did observe it at one point or another, a large portion has abandoned the practice, with North America and Western Europe serving as the major geographic holdouts. Even in countries were it remains in use however, its utility is frequently called into question. Like it or not, DST is a relic of a bygone era, and those still embracing it… are arguably behind the times.
#4: It Doesn't Reduce Energy Consumption
The rationale behind Daylight Saving Time is that it reduces the amount of electricity consumed by giving people an extra hour of natural light in the evening. It was first introduced by Germany during World War I in an effort to conserve coal. Soon enough, much of Europe and North America was following suit. Though it was widely repealed after the war, it would make a comeback in times of strife, and in many countries, was eventually made an indefinite measure. Here’s the thing though… modern studies have shown that the effects on energy consumption in the contemporary world are negligible - as lighting is no longer the major draw. Others have found that DST might actually be more costly.
#3: It Only Makes Insomnia Worse
Quality sleep is a prerequisite to good health and a productive day, but far too many people are already missing out on it for a wide variety of reasons. For those struggling to get some quality Zs, a time change occuring twice early is yet another aggravator to mess with their inadequate sleep. Energy-based arguments aside… DST comes with a high personal cost on your internal clock. For those coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder, starting the day in the darkness every winter morning is incredibly taxing. Children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to the negative effects of this sudden time change.
#2: It Results in More Accidents
If the effects of Daylight Saving Time on sleep and mental health are too abstract for you, take this into consideration: road accidents increase noticeably the day that DST takes effect - both in the form of minor incidents and fatal ones. Depending on the study and year in which it occurred, this increase has been estimated at anywhere between 5% and 20%. Though that margin is a wide one, there’s no denying the correlation. A 2016 American Economic Journal study estimated that in terms of accident-based fatalities, it averages out to about 30 DST-related deaths per year. Though that number may be a small one, it begs the question: why are we still doing this?
#1: It Increases the Risk of Heart Attacks
Here are some more numbers that lean heavily in favor of doing away with DST. Though an hour difference in your sleep cycle might not seem like a big difference… it can have a significant impact on your body. In addition to auto accidents, the Monday after we “spring forward” also sees a 25% increase in the risk of heart attacks. To add to the health concerns associated with DST, take into consideration the fact that the rate for strokes goes up by 8% across the board, and a whopping 20% in people over the age of 65. All things considered, it might be time to do away with this old fashioned approach to time management.