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Top 5 Reasons People Hate Call of Duty

Top 5 Reasons People Hate Call of Duty
Some people hate on this game like it's their calling; their sacred duty...see what I did there? These are the reasons that COD is so divisive among the gaming community! Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 5 Reasons People Hate Call of Duty.
Top 5 Reasons Call of Duty is Hated

*sigh of disappointment* It’s the series that just never dies… Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 5 Reasons Call of Duty is Hated.

Its loved by millions and hated by millions. Among the complaints, these are the most frequently discussed reasons why people just despise “Call of Duty”.

#5: Aggressive Marketing

How many times have you channel surfed or gone on YouTube and BAM! There’s a Call of Duty ad! Commercials and ad banners appear so frequently that they eventually get really freaking annoying. Of course, it gets worse once the reviews start rolling in because then it feels like the game is getting every advertising spot imaginable. Oh, and let’s not forget the “controversy” every game comes with, getting both parents and politicians talking. For example, the brutal airport massacre from “Modern Warfare 2”. The aggressive marketing just overhypes the game, overshadows other great titles being released, and has the gaming community complaining about the same problems every year.

#4: The Underwhelming Campaigns

[rocker voice] “Hear that ringing in your ears? Its called ‘that same explosion you’ve experienced in a dozen other movies and games!’” *Ahem* In recent years, “Call of Duty” has fallen short with its single-player campaigns. “Modern Warfare 2” had a good campaign, but the quality started trickling down from there. Hey Activision, you want to give us a good story? Then stop relying on celebrities like Kevin Spacey, Kitt Harrington, and Josh Duhamel; it’s pointless. Make exciting moments, not impossible one. (Seriously, that train scene in “WWII”? What even was that, guys?) And please, don’t treat players like idiots; nothing makes a single-player campaign suck more than holding our hands the whole way through.

#3: It Has Lead Other IPs Wanting to be Similar

Its an old business trick we’ve seen every time a game blows up. The innovator makes millions, which then leads to other developers copycatting the formula. We won’t deny “Call of Duty” has influenced gaming, but its hard getting past his issue. For example, the director of “Resident Evil 6” made the game more action-oriented because of how they saw “Call of Duty” perform. Another game which almost did this was the unreleased “Doom 4”, which tried replicating a CoD-like experience before it was scrapped and turned into the 2016 reboot we know and love. SOCOM 4 had the same idea, and, well, look how that turned out.

#2: Pricey DLC

There are many games that have questionable pricing with their downloadable content. “Call of Duty” is one of the worst when it comes to getting more bang for your buck. Two dollars for weapon skins? Four dollars for a new weapon? FIFTEEN DOLLARS FOR FOUR MAPS?! Why aren’t any of these in your game? Seriously, just looking at some of these packs makes it seem like content was intentionally cut out! If you wanted to cheat us out of our money so bad, you’d implement a loot box syst—and they’ve done that now. Great…just great!

#1: Same Game…Every Year

A game can only change so much when new iterations are released annually. Since 2005, we’ve had a “Call of Duty” game every freakin’ year!! The main titles come out every November! Marketing has reported a decrease in sales in the past few years. Why is that? Simply put, the game is getting old, and we’re getting tired. When no exciting or meaningful changes happen in a recycled series with an annual release date, what incentive do players have to buy it? Why pay sixty dollars for the exact same game you got last November?

asshole cod and gta,fortnite and rainbow six siege all f piece of crap
i hate cod and the makers of the game plus the characters who shoot other soldiers will die
Cod is still good it is just bo2 was ahead of its time that makes all the new cod games bad