Top 5 WWE Tag Teams Of 2017

It's proven quite the year for brothers, buddies, booties, and bars, as these fantastic WWE tag teams take to the ring. WatchMojo presents the Top 5 WWE Tag Teams of 2017! Watch to find out who proved victorious in our number one spot!
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#5: The Hardy Boyz
Never say never - A Monstrous reaction from the fans at Wrestlemania proved that even if its not ‘BROKEN’, you don’t necessarily need to fix it.
Despite all the wear and tear over the years, the xtreme brothers proved that they can still hang with the younger talent – no problem. Despite the short length of their tag title reign, their mere presence in the division brought the division back in the spotlight. It’s just a bloody shame Brother Nero’s injury put a halt on things.
#4: Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose
The fragments of the shield managed to put their differences aside to form this super team once more. And while it is a stretch of the imagination that after all the blood, betrayal and bruises they managed to let bygones be bygones - we’re certainly glad they did. Almost immediately after reforming, the two took on the Bar in an impressive series of matches and brought home the gold.
Sure, we can’t help but want to see them work alone to bring out their full potential, but in the mean time, this reunion is just what the doctor ordered.
#3: The New Day
You’d be wrong in thinking that after their 483 day we’d be groaning at the sight of them, as their jump to smackdown gave them a proper chance to reestablish themselves. The chemistry between the three, both in their ring-work and on the mic, is pretty damned hard to top – and we can say without a doubt, these three are well on their way to becoming all time greats in the tag division.
#2: Cesaro & Sheamus
From bitter enemies to best of friends, the Irish/Swiss combo has lit up the tag roster in 2017. It’s been a rush of top notch matches for them and they certainly didn’t let title losses or a slight ‘altering’ to Cesaro’s beautiful smile slow them down. Everybody knows the Swiss superman is one of the better performers on the roster, and this combo with Sheamus really seems to bring out the best in both of ‘em.
Undoubtably, they’ve proved that they don’t set the bar – they are the bar. Wow that is pretty fun to say.
#1: The Usos
Jey and Jimmy take today’s top spot after a tremendous series of matches with The New Day. It’s no lie that the brothers were fading into obscurity in recent years, but after a huge rebrand and the injection of a mean streak, the lads are absolutely killing it. Whether it’s the brutal feud with the New Day, some fun bust ups with the fashion police, or any of their other battles along the way, the Usos have proved as dominant as they are refreshing.