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Did Type III Aliens BUILD The Solar System? | Unveiled

Did Type III Aliens BUILD The Solar System? | Unveiled
VOICE OVER: Peter DeGiglio
Did an advanced civilisation build the solar system?? Join us... and find out!

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at an alternate explanation for the creation of the solar system! Could it be that our particular corner of the universe is actually the brainchild of a higher civilisation? Are alien overlords responsible for our reality... and what could that mean for the future??


Did Type 3 Aliens BUILD the Solar System?</h4>


Life on Earth is pretty incredible. It’s a delicate but perfect balance of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria, all bathed in an atmosphere that’s just about right… and all orbiting a star that provides all the energy we need. On even a cellular and atomic level, the conditions here just work… but, when you think about it, it could be argued that that’s extremely fortunate. That it’s almost immeasurably lucky. And perhaps too lucky? Could it be, then, that Earth’s situation really is purely the result of a good turn by nature? Or might there be another, more deliberate explanation as to how we came to exist?


This is Unveiled, and today we’re answering the extraordinary question; did type three aliens build the solar system?


First things first, to some degree, scientists do have a fairly solid understanding of how and when the solar system came to be. According to NASA (and most other leading sources) our particular place in space formed about 4.5 billion years ago, meaning the solar system is around one third the age of the universe as a whole, which emerged out of nothing some 13.8 billion years ago. That formative point for the solar system is interesting, though, not least because there’s some vagueness as to how it actually happened.


According to most models, the solar system formed from a one-time random and dense cloud of gas and dust. This frankly massive cloud had seemingly been cruising through the abyss between other stars and objects for a long time, picking up more and more matter as it went… until it eventually collapsed in on itself. This collapse may have been caused by the shockwaves of a nearby and suitably immense supernova, after which all of the dust and gas in the one-time cloud compacted, and compacted, and compacted, until at the center of it all there emerged a star, our sun, which began fusing hydrogen into helium, and beaming out energy in all directions. Over the next few hundred million years or so, the planets gradually formed around the sun, their orbits took shape, their own characteristics set in. The inner rockies (including Earth), the gas and ice giants further out, the asteroid belt in between, and the countless other moons, bits of rock, dwarf planets, et cetera. All the way up to the present day, and the current conditions.


Ultimately, all of that is scientifically accepted. Thanks to the incredible technologies available to us today - including, most recently, the James Webb Space Telescope - we really can retrace cosmic history with confidence and accuracy. But then, there are always other models and theories out there, which offer a new spin on the same information. And, there are always some lesser understood aspects of cosmic hypotheses which open the door for alternative ideas.


On the original Kardashev Scale (as devised by Nikolai Kardashev, in the 1960s) type three was the highest level possible. While, at type one, a hypothetically advanced civilization will have harnessed all the energy potential of its home planet, and at type two it will have claimed the energy potential of its home star system… at type three we’re dealing with a truly seismic force. Type threes have all the energy of their home galaxy within their power and control. In practice, this means that they can comfortably survive outside of that home galaxy, too, seeing as they have things like lightspeed intergalactic travel, probable wormholes, and individual immortality to fall back on. Many interpretations of Kardashev’s vision give type threes certain other key skills, as well, though… including full world creation and telekinesis on a planetary scale.


Importantly, right now, in the modern day, we have no confirmed evidence of even basic alien life, let alone of vast and sprawling advanced societies… but these proposed type three superpowers, in particular, can still lead us down a heady, hypothetical path. We return to that dense cloud of gas and dust that existed before the solar system did… if a type three civilization does also exist, anywhere, then that cloud would conceivably double up as a blank canvas for it. A convenient and potentially prime location to build on, or out of. The eventual solar system might’ve then been a type three blueprint made real. We debated in a past video whether humankind could actually be the remnants of a type three civilization that had previously been on Earth, but here we’re more asking whether we’re really the result of a type three’s ancient work from afar?


Consider that in our galaxy, the Milky Way, there are upwards of one hundred billion stars in total, scattered across more than one hundred thousand light years of space. Might it be that a watching type three could have dominion over any and all of those? At around the halfway point between types three and four on the Kardashev Scale (a later addition and proposed even higher plane) it’s said that you start moving into god-like territories… and the creation of worlds would certainly qualify as that. The suggested movement of planets, too. 


If type threes really can operate at this mind-blowing level, then would it be such a surprise if one of them were to put all it knows to good use by creating our solar system, in particular? Might they also have created others that didn’t work, before landing on this one that did? Some versions of the Kardashev Scale do imbue within the highest groups a kind of trial-and-error mentality, for better or worse. At this unfathomably advanced stage, it could be that the ruling power needn’t have a local presence, either, managing instead to spark these near-perfect conditions for the life that we have, but from a great distance… something like an artist dripping paint onto an easel, but from a great height. As to whether or not that creator (or artist) could ever truly care about their paint drips (being so far removed) is another, somewhat worrying problem.


But, of course, the first question for any well-meaning scientist is, where’s the proof here? And, ultimately, there isn’t a great deal. Again, there isn’t even any evidence of basic alien life yet… or, at least, nothing that’s been officially confirmed. But, while you might think that an all-conquering type three (such as this) would be hard for us to miss, some argue that, actually, they would at the same time be plenty advanced enough to entirely hide themselves from us. Plus, there’s the huge amount of time that has passed since the solar system formed. 


On Earth, peering even a few million years back into history is extremely difficult to do. Thanks to various natural processes (like tectonics and convection) the cliché rings true that nothing lasts forever. And, certainly, there’s nothing we can tap into to take us directly back to when Earth first took shape, multi billions of years ago. On a cosmological scale, we can peer further back in time, yes, although sometimes there’s something of a paradox at play when it becomes effectively easier to view more distant galaxies in greater detail than we can our own. In either case, and again if a type three does exist (or has ever existed) then all of our capabilities will be known to it - presumably meaning that it could easily evade them, if it wanted to.


If you follow the Kardashev Scale, then, type threes are arguably the first civilization type to become unknowable - which is seemingly another trait that they’d share with what we currently picture a god to be. It’s said that these spectacular beings can build worlds as though from the shadows, and probably in such a way so as to erase any sign that they were the world builders, at all. So, is that the true backstory to our solar system? Might everything have happened exactly as conventional science says it did (with the compacted dust cloud, early sun, protoplanets, and so on) it’s just that there was another, higher force guiding how everything unfolded 4.5 billion years back in time?


Clearly, without any irrefutable evidence, the answer has to remain that no, type three aliens didn’t build the solar system. As with most everything else about the Kardashev Scale, this is a thought experiment first and foremost… and not a tried and tested groundbreaking model for reality itself. But, still, what’s your verdict? Do you believe that a type three civilization is possible? And if it is, then could there already be one in existence, and might it already be calling the shots? 


For now, we can at least park the potential existential crises that this video may have triggered, and remind ourselves that life is still what we make of it. Hidden type three overlords or not, that delicate balance of planet Earth remains there for us all to see, and to enjoy.
