Which Zodiac Signs Are the Most Compatible as Friends?

VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
WRITTEN BY: Savannah Sher
Which zodiac signs are the most compatible as friends? For this list, we'll be looking at all of the astrological signs, and talking about who they get along with best. Our countdown includes Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, and more!
Which Zodiac Signs Are the Most Compatible as Friends
You might want to check your astrological chart before cementing that new friendship. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be asking Which Zodiac Signs Are the Most Compatible as Friends?
For this list, we’ll be looking at all of the astrological signs, and talking about who they get along with best.
#12: Pisces
(February 19 — March 20)
Considering how understanding Pisces can be, it makes sense that they often act as a calming force in their friendships, and can tone down more volatile personality types. They pair particularly well with Tauruses because they’re able to avoid confrontation with this notoriously stubborn personality. They also pair well with Virgos, who are more proactive, and can get a Pisces out of their own heads. They get along with Libras and Cancers on the other hand because they’re actually so similar, all three signs being compassionate and sensitive.
#11: Aquarius
(January 20 — February 18)
Aquarians aren’t great at dealing with emotions, but they are good at being supportive, which they work hard at when they’re friends with more volatile Scorpios. Leos balance out Aquarians well, because they remind them to practice self-care and not get so involved in the concerns of others. If you get Aquarians and Geminis or Libras together, you never know what’s going to happen because they can all be creative thinkers who are willing to get a little crazy sometimes.
#10: Capricorn
(December 22 — January 19)
Lots of people would say that Capricorns are some of the best friends you could have. They’re loyal to a fault, and sometimes they need someone to help them let loose a bit, which is why they pair so well with Sagittarians. They also get along with Geminis and Tauruses because they are similarly supportive of others, and value loyalty above all else. Cancers are similarly nurturing, but when they’re friends with Capricorns they can help them cut loose a little.
#9: Sagittarius
(November 22 — December 21)
If you want a friend who will bring fun to your life, look no further than a Sagittarius. They’re great at bringing balance to the lives of signs like Capricorns and Cancers, getting them to leave their comfort zones and live a little. They get along well with Leos and even other Sagittarians because of the similar energy and excitement for life that they share. They also pair particularly well with Aries because while a Sag may come up with a brilliant idea, an Aries will be able to help them execute it.
#8: Scorpio
(October 23 — November 21)
Scorpios are known for their intelligence, and you’d better watch out if they pair up with Virgos, who are just as smart but in totally different ways; together, these two are a force to be reckoned with. Leos get along well with Scorpios because they’re both known for their somewhat difficult personality types, but Leos actually function to ground Scorpios a little. They also thrive in friendships with Cancers and Aries because those two signs are so deeply understanding, and can make Scorpios feel like their friends truly ‘get’ them.
#7: Libra
(September 23 — October 22)
Libras are some of the most easygoing people out there, and they make great friends to star signs who can be a little bit more difficult or particular. For this reason, they do well when being friends with Leos and Aries, because they provide a much-needed balance to the relationship. If Libras are looking to have fun, they should befriend Aquarians and Geminis ,because it’s sure to be a party with those signs involved! If they’re looking for a true kindred spirit however, they should look no further than a Pisces, who will inevitably see eye-to-eye with them.
#6: Virgo
(August 23 — September 22)
Virgos are known for being organized and regimented, and so when they’re picking friends, they might do well to surround themselves with people who will loosen them up a bit. That’s why they pair so well with Pisces. Virgos are also known for being whip-smart, and if they want friends who are their intellectual equals, they can look to Tauruses, Geminis and Scorpios, all of whom will complement them by bringing different strengths to the table.
#5: Leo
(July 23 — August 22)
When Leos are looking for friends to have fun and party with, they would do well hanging out with Saggitarians and Libras, both of whom are equally down to have a good time and make each other laugh. Leos are extremely loyal, and if they want friends who are going to be on the same page as them as far as their devotion, both Tauruses and Scorpios can be a good match. When looking for balance, Leos do well with Aquarians, who are so different from them, because of their tendency towards selflessness.
#4: Cancer
(June 21 — July 22)
Cancers can be one of the most sensitive zodiac signs, and they benefit from having friends who can teach them to not sweat the small stuff, and even expand their comfort zones a bit. Both Capricorns and Scorpios are great for this because they’re similarly caring, but have a thicker skin. Cancers and Saggitarians can both tend towards being quite philosophical, so for deep discussions they are a great pairing. When Cancers befriend Pisces, they’ll often be friends for life, because they’re both willing to make sacrifices for the other.
#3: Gemini
(May 21 — June 20)
In terms of a trio of besties, you’d be hard pressed to look for a better grouping than Geminis, Libras and Aquarians. They are all signs who are a bit unconventional, and like to take the road-less-traveled in life. These three will never run out of things to talk about together. Geminis are known for their sense of fun, and they love to bring out that quality in others, so they pair well with Virgos and Capricorns, both of whom need a little help in that department.
#2: Taurus
(April 20 — May 20)
When picking a buddy to do a group project with, any Taurus would be smart to team up with Capricorns or Virgos, who are a little more practical, and can be the driving force behind their efforts. When they’re looking for a shopping buddy, they should call up their Leo friends, who similarly like the finer things in life. When a Taurus is looking for sympathy or a shoulder to cry on, their patient Pisces friends are a great choice for their sense of understanding.
#1: Aries
(March 21 — April 19)
Aries are full of boundless energy and can often get burnt out, so they sometimes need a grounding force to bring them down to earth. Libras are a great match in that respect, ensuring that they think before they act. Aries and Scorpios have a lot of similarities, and can make great dynamic duos… if they don’t get into too much trouble together. Likewise, Aries do well when hanging out with Sagittarians because they can find someone who is their match, in terms of their sense of adventure.