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Are Aliens ALREADY Here?

Are Aliens ALREADY Here?
VOICE OVER: Peter DeGiglio
Does alien life ALREADY walk among us?

Some visuals provided by Getty Images

Why Scientists Think Aliens Have Already Visited Earth

Whistleblowers in Congress. Drones all over New Jersey. Non-human biologics reportedly retrieved over a decades-long secret program conducted by the US government. The stories and allegations are mounting up regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (or UAP) and the ongoing Search for Alien Life. But, for many scientists, this is all hardly new news. Avi Loeb was one of the first to cry aliens on Earth, while many others have insisted that extraterrestrial life is as old as ancient times.

UFO and UAP sightings are in the news now more than ever before thanks to the emergence of reliable footage from within militaries and governments worldwide. As a result the conversation on alien life (across all corners of society) is changing. We’re still left with far more questions than answers, though. To date, according to the official line, no alien has actually been discovered. For all the UFO visuals, no true ET specimen has yet been revealed to the public. But still, in the event that aliens have been to Earth in some capacity, one of the more pressing follow-up questions is; for how long have they been here?

Throughout recent history, we’ve seen how certain people and groups have linked certain famous monuments with alien explanations - with Machu Picchu, the Pyramids, and Stonehenge among the most iconic structures spoken about. Or the Nazca Lines, theorized by some as an ancient means of communication between us and the aliens above. Taken at face value, these suggestions then lead us to consider that (as some of these monuments are many thousands of years old) there must also have been aliens here for multi-millennia, too. More often than not, the ancient alien ideas are fraught with problems, however, and have more recently been shown to often harbor prejudiced views - the counter claim being that modern world, western theorists are all too quick to write off ancient, non-western achievements as being impossible without alien input.

From a purely scientific point of view, the “alternate histories to famous buildings” line of argument is almost always simply not enough, either. A great deal more proof is required to prove a claim as grand as aliens. More broadly, this is known as the Sagan Standard, after the US physicist Carl Sagan, who said “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. And debates over the Stonehenge stone placement or the true function of Egyptian tombs haven’t yet been able to provide extraordinary (or irrefutable) enough evidence to prove aliens on Earth.

Nevertheless, there are various scientists who have begun to question whether or not “aliens on Earth” really is so farfetch'd. The futurist and theoretical physicist Michio Kaku has increasingly spoken at length about how UFOs really could be alien life, and has continually urged his peers to keep an open mind. Paul Hellyer, an engineer and a former defense minister of Canada, claims as many as eighty different species of alien may have been on Earth before. But perhaps the most serious and dedicated voice in this field is that of the renowned astrophysicist, Avi Loeb.

Loeb’s position really began to take hold with observation of a strange object that passed by Earth in 2017. Caught by a telescope in Hawaii, what we now know as the ‘Oumuamua object exhibited a strange speed, an odd shape, and it didn’t act like any other comet, asteroid, or known cosmic object. What intrigued scientists even more was that (at the time) this was considered the first genuinely interstellar object ever to be seen in our solar system. It exhibited such strange behavior that Loeb, former chair of the astronomy department at Harvard University, claimed it wasn’t any kind of rock of natural formation… and was actually a piece of alien-built technology. In Loeb’s opinion, expressed in a number of interviews since the emergence of ‘Oumuamua, this possibility is just as (if not more) likely as any other possibility for its origin. And so when, three years later in 2020, another strange object flew by exhibiting similar characteristics, for example, and when that object was then identified as a rocket booster from a former space mission - i.e., a definitely artificial thing - the Loeb line gathered more momentum. ‘Oumuamua, by comparison definitely isn’t (or wasn’t) human made… so what did make it? So the theory goes.

According to Loeb, “‘Oumuamua may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth’s vicinity by an alien civilization”. He thought that the unusual, flat nature of the object meant that it could be a type of solar sail, designed to produce propulsion by using the sun’s energy as a push. No matter that other scientists have put forward alternative, more conservative ideas, such as it instead being just a chunk of hydrogen ice, nitrogen ice, or an usually broken fragment of another object in space... Loeb has remained steadfast in his view. In Loeb’s estimation, ‘Oumuamua being an alien solar sail explains all of its quirks far more convincingly than any other theory. Based on his ideas, Loeb has since written a still controversial book called “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign Of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth”.

Ultimately, though, Loeb’s ideas encompass more than just life beyond Earth. If ‘Oumuamua is a probe sent intentionally by an alien civilization, then it could just as well open the door for the prospect of alien life having visited even closer to this planet before. With various other theories claiming that ET life has either breached our atmosphere before now, or even made it to Earth’s surface. Again, Avi Loeb places himself at the forefront of this line of enquiry. In another recent video, we took a closer look at Loeb’s separate claim, that a piece of alien tech might have crashed into the Pacific Ocean in 2014. The mainstream idea is that some kind of meteor had flashed across the skies of Papua New Guinea at that time, before speeding into the water… but Loeb ardently challenged that notion, and with some success, insisting instead that it could have been an alien machine. Again, for Loeb, the “aliens are here” conclusion is really just as likely as any other answer as to what was going on there.

On the one hand, it’s perhaps unsurprising that many scientists have been quick to write off Loeb’s various claims, because crying “alien technology” is still seen as quite radical. But, on the other hand, most astronomers would likely agree that alien life most likely does exist somewhere in the cosmos... so why’s it so difficult to imagine that it could be here? Of course, one reason is because the scale and distance of the universe is so incomprehensibly massive that the odds of aliens “on our doorstep” do appear to be fairly low. But still, perhaps not impossible. And, as such, the expectation that aliens (if they are out there) would be trapped on their own home planets much as we are, also feels increasingly out of touch - to the likes of Loeb, Michio Kaku, and others. It assumes that an alien force should be anything like us, but in reality they could be thousands or millions of years more advanced than us. To them, the vast distances and challenges of space might then be easily traversable and solvable. And, in truth, no one can totally write that possibility off, because we don’t know what kinds of technology might be feasible for a group with potentially so much more of a history than we have.

Because of this, Avi Loeb has taken steps to investigate future objects like ‘Oumuamua in more depth. Called the Galileo Project, Loeb hopes to build a network of telescopes around Earth to specifically watch different parts of the sky and to try to catch detailed images of strange objects and occurrences. By the time it was discovered back in 2017, scientists had precious little time to study ‘Oumuamua, before it sped away from the sun, out of the solar system, and out of sight forever more. But, the plan with the Galileo Project is to maximize our study of future incidents like this, to gain a far better understanding.

For now, it’s worth remembering that ‘Oumuamua alone doesn’t necessarily mean that aliens are on Earth. Even if it is a piece of extraterrestrial handiwork, then a quick lap around the sun might still be the closest it’ll ever come to this planet. Like passing an island on a cruise liner, any hypothetical pilot aboard ‘Oumuamua, or any hypothetical civilization receiving signals back from it, might simply be left wondering what might be happening here… without ever truly getting to know us.

But, regardless, the appearance of it, plus the Pacific meteor of 2014, plus various other UFO sightings, bizarre radio signals, and seeming space anomalies, have all contributed to a growing feeling of confidence (or perhaps concern) that actually, we really aren’t alone. That we really could become the first generation to discover alien life. And that’s why scientists think aliens have already visited Earth.