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Why the Government Thinks UFOs Could Be Hurting Citizens | Unveiled

Why the Government Thinks UFOs Could Be Hurting Citizens | Unveiled
VOICE OVER: Peter DeGiglio WRITTEN BY: Dylan Musselman
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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the bizarre suggestion that UFOs could be HURTING civilians. After the release of previously classified UFO documents by the Pentagon, it seems that some alien encounter stories feature examples of real physical injury... and the government is worried!

Why The Government Thinks UFOs Could Be Hurting Citizens

In the event of an extraterrestrial arrival, would aliens really be as aggressive towards us as they sometimes are in the movies? It’s a possibility; like us they could have predatory instincts that helped them rise to the top of their food chain, and they’d perhaps need a ruthless edge to advance enough to find (and travel to) Earth in the first place. And, according to newly declassified documents, it seems that that sinister potential shouldn’t be underestimated.

This is Unveiled, and today we’re exploring the extraordinary suggestion that the government thinks UFOs (or aliens) could be hurting its citizens.

UFO sightings vary year by year, but they’ve been on a relatively steady rise since the 1990s with only a few dips in frequency. For the past couple of years, in particular, there’s been a resurgence partly thanks to official military reports and government investigations into UFOs. For a long time, UFO sightings had been largely written off by politicians and often by scientists… but not so much anymore. Project Blue Book, in the 1950s and ‘60s, was the first major official investigation into these kinds of claims… but there are modern versions of Blue Book, too, delivering some interesting results.

In amongst the thousands of UFO reports made every year, there are various hoaxes and clear missightings… but then there are some that rank higher in terms of seeming reliability, such as the 143 unexplained claims coming from within the US armed forces (and addressed in the infamous UAP Report, published June 2021). There are also others that go further, though, with claimants alleging actual contact with aliens. So far, there has been little by way of official government public guidance when it comes to these cases… but still, the questions they raise aren’t disappearing. What would an extraterrestrial visitor want with us? And why would they put us through some of the various ordeals that alien abduction stories include?

While the US government hasn’t exactly shouted their message from the rooftops, however, there seemingly has been at least some investigation made… it’s just been mostly kept under wraps. Between the years 2007 and 2012, we know there was the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (or, AATIP). This was a project so secretive that people weren’t even aware of its existence until 2017, when a whistle-blower named Luis Elizondo left his high-ranking position in AATIP and released videos and data. The videos quickly attracted interest because they contained clearly real footage of strange objects performing apparently supernatural feats of movement in the air.

Shortly after AATIP was made public, a Freedom of Information Act request was filed by “The Sun” newspaper in the UK, in a bid for more about it to be made available. And, in April 2022, according to reports by The Sun, the Pentagon released around 1,500 pages of related information, covering topics such as alien abduction, secret technology, and more. There were sections of the documents that weren’t released for security and privacy reasons, but the parts that were made public are nonetheless interesting. And perhaps one of the strangest and most compelling sections is titled “Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues”. Peel back the jargon, and what we’re basically dealing with here is a document that lists all the injuries reportedly linked to UFO sightings, and potentially alien technology.

These documents contain details (many never-before-seen) pertaining to alleged injuries that victims have suffered after coming into contact with strange flying vehicles. In total, there are more than 300 cases of medical damage cataloged. One of the most common reported injuries is damage from electromagnetic radiation, which the report suggests may be caused by energy propulsion systems used on sighted UFO vehicles. Luis Elizondo, the official who first brought awareness to the program, has also recounted situations like this, where pilots report sunburn on their skin after chasing UFOs.

In the Pentagon documents, there are a variety of other injuries alleged or referred to, as well, including brain damage, nerve damage, heart problems, and trouble sleeping. The documents, which also include contributions by MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network), have a wide range of data to work from, based (as they are) on information collected from as far back as the 1870s. There’s 150 years’ worth of UFO strangeness here. In amongst it all, there are also reports of telepathic events, seeming teleportation, drawn out abductions, and even unaccounted for pregnancy - according to “The Sun”. While it may be rare for government figures to vocalize their stance on UFOs, then, this yield of information makes it clear that UFO reports aren’t always totally ignored. The alleged injuries listed have been taken seriously by officials, with suggestion that the technologies potentially involved in some cases could constitute a real threat to the interest of the United States as a whole.

Importantly, while we are dealing with UFO and alien stories here, there are various non­-alien explanations that can be considered. One conclusion, for example, is that many of these strange encounters may more simply warrant the possibility that there are weapons and aircrafts of Earth that the US government doesn’t know about yet. Unknown (but terrestrial) tech that could still cause injury to an unsuspecting passer-by, so the idea goes. In an effort to make sense of the wide range of cases covered, then, there are also attempts to categorize paranormal encounters. For example, with a UFO sighting, was the craft flying of its own accord or did it have a pilot? There are groups for non-alien, mythical experiences, too, including believed encounters with ghosts, spirits, elves, and more. Elsewhere, there are sections about crop circles and even about reported cases of spontaneous human combustion.

On the one hand, these documents (released by the Pentagon, remember, and covering the AATIP secret government program) read something like an ideas meeting for sci-fi movie makers. Many of the most prevalent alien blockbuster tropes do feature. But, really, that’s a big part of the revelation. Again, AATIP and these papers are significant first and foremost because they show that the government is taking a real interest in the claims of UFOs around the country. There evidently is some acknowledgement that something strange is happening. And, considering the lengthy UFO injury list that’s covered, there is a seeming concern, on some level, for the health and wellbeing of those who experience a UFO encounter. There are reported plans for the Pentagon to continue expanding its UFO research in the future, too, as the official stance looks likely to get even more hands on in the next few years.

Indeed, much of this might be seen as just the latest initiative toward reverse engineering. Whether it’s genuinely alien or not, whenever reports of an unknown aerial object are put across a desk in the US government, there are alarm bells ringing. With this in mind, parts of the 2022 information release suggest studying UFOs purely for tech advancement reasons. If there’s something with an apparent invisibility cloak, for instance, then how has that happened? And how can the US make sure that its invisibility cloaks (if they have them) are all up to date? Drones are all the rage nowadays, but if there’s a drone out there that does things your drones can’t do… then you’ve got a problem, regardless of whether it’s really alien or not. In terms of the injuries sustained, again, might there even be a way to study those to ascertain precisely what had caused them? It’s another possibility.

There have been government UFO reports before this, and declassified documents, and many have received more fanfare. But, still, the implications here are significant. AATIP wasn’t a secret by the time these most recent papers surrounding it were released, but here we see more about the motivations that were behind it. The government, it seems, is worried about the existence of unknown technology… and the harm that it has done and could do. In the modern world, UFO reports are being continually declassified and new footage is emerging… so could there also be a growing sense of unease within the authorities?

Finally, the report also detailed the attempts of senator Harry Reid to look into UFOs in depth. Reid was the early driving force behind AATIP, continually pushing for more to be done in response to UFO claims… but he faced various blocks along the road, and has before suggested that (despite the recent progress) there is still much more that the government hasn’t released. This is still a developing story, then, and there could be further revelations to come. But that’s why the government thinks UFOs (or aliens) could be hurting its citizens.