video games top ten ryu fighting scorpion top ten best fighting game characters of all time

Top 10 Best Fighting Game Characters Of All Time

These characters live and breath battle! Whether for their signature moves, unique fighting style, badass appearance or fan popularity, when you think fighting games its these icons that come to mind. But who stands atop the mountain of bodies as the greatest of them all?

#10: Sol Badguy

He lives and breathes machismo, though what would you expect? His  surname is literally Badguy! He’s so beastly that he literally sets fire to opponents with every swing!

#9: Mai Shiranui

Alluring by name, alluring by nature. She definitely has skill, despite the fact she’s most notable among gamers for her rather loose outfit.

#8: Ragna the Bloodedge

Just because he constantly broods doesn’t make him any less of a badass. With a whole slew of crazy powers, Ragna cemented himself as one of the definitive giant-sword wielding characters in gaming. Which is pretty impressive given how many of them there are!

#7: Morrigan Aensland

We’re not sure what’s more deadly about this succubus; her enticing appearance or her killer move list. Either way you’re going to end up helpless before her.

#6: Fulgore

Nothing beats a giant robot, especially one with a built in laser beam concealed inside its armor.

#5: Terry Bogard

He’s a skilled fighter who wanders the world, kicking all kinds of ass, armed with nothing but his baseball cap. Why? Cause he’s from ‘MURICA!

#4: Ivy Valentine

Props to her for being able to devastate so many enemies with her sword/whip in what has to be the most impractical battle outfit of all time. How does she keep her composure?

#3: Heihachi Mishima

Don’t let his age fool you. The man is a veteran fighter who over the decades has taken out everything from bears to demons to Akuma!

#2: Scorpion

A spectre of the Netherrealm who seeks to avenge his murdered clan, if you mess with this hot customer you’re bound to end up TOASTY!

#1: Ryu

No one pulls off uppercuts quite like Ryu. A legendary fighter who seeks the truth about himself in the heart of battle, the only thing more iconic than this face are the Hadoken that he sends flying at his foes.

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