video games Super Mario Odyssey nintendo Tennis mario mario tennis aces

Mario Tennis Aces: Everyone’s Favourite Plumber Is Back On The Court!

15-Love To Nintendo!

It’s fair to say that Mario’s debut on the Switch hit it out of the park, what with it being one of the most acclaimed games of 2017. Fans could not have asked for a better transition to a new console, though from the looks of it, it seems that the plumber is showing no signs of slowing down.

According to an article on Gamespot, Nintendo revealed that while there’s still plenty of DLC on the way for Super Mario Odyssey, gaming’s most famous Italian is going straight from New Donk City all the way to the nearest tennis court in order to work on his swing!

As part of today’s Nintendo Direct mini presentation, the Japanese company revealed a new Mario Tennis game for Switch. Called Mario Tennis Aces, the title will be the first Mario sports game for Switch since the console’s launch last year, and it’s coming in Spring 2018.

Interestingly, Aces will contain a new story mode. That makes it the first Mario Tennis game to include a campaign since 2005’s Mario Tennis: Power Tour (known as Mario Power Tennis in Europe and Australia). Few other details have been revealed so far, though we do know the game is being made by long-time Mario sports developer Camelot.

During the surprise Nintendo Direct a number of other big announcements were made. These include free Super Mario Odyssey DLC and a Dark Souls remaster for Switch.

We can only imagine that the power smashes will look amazing on the Switch, though we have to wonder what kind of crazy story mode Nintendo has planned. Hopefully it involves us unleashing a barrage of tennis balls into Bowser’s face!

Be sure to check out the trailer for Mario Tennis Aces below, along with our personal picks for the Top 10 Super Facts About Mario Games. 
