watchmojo top 10 video game Pennywise silent hill dead space mortal kombat Top 3 Top 3 Characters We Want To See In The Next Mortal Kombat Game

Top 3 Characters We Want To See In The Next Mortal Kombat Game

Chaos, Carnage and Cameos

Ever since Mortal Kombat got its reboot back in 2009, Netherrealm Studios have not only gone out of their way to push against the conventions of what people perceive a fighting game to be, but also spared no expense when it comes to DLC characters. While they started out as nothing more than previous combatants from the franchise’s archives, they soon began to shift in direction, one filled with a lot more famous faces.

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Now that we’ve seen the likes of Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, the Predator, the Alien and even Leatherface rear their ugly heads, its clear that all applicants with a background in dismemberment are welcome to the party. Hopefully we’ll see these particular wannabe combatants in the sequel to Mortal Kombat X!

#3: Isaac Clarke
“Dead Space” series (2008-13)

While he’s more famous for being killed in them most brutal ways possible, we still think that our favorite space engineer deserves a shot at entering the tournament. After all, he’s armed to the teeth with weapons that can easily take apart a Necromorph, he should have no problem eviscerating the likes of someone like Kano or Reptile. Throw in the fact that he’s known to fall victim to the odd bout of insanity, and we’d say Mr Clarke is well up for stepping into the ring. We hope he stocked up on Plasma Cutter ammo.

Image result for isaac clarke

#2: Pyramid Head
“Silent Hill 2” (2001)

This towering terror isn’t only the physical representation of James Sunderland’s desire to be punished, but also one of the most iconic characters in horror video games. Of course we want to see him cut off some heads! While far more sinister in nature compared to action-heavy characters like Kratos, we have no doubt that the developers would be able to capture his haunting presence along with his tendency to cleave people in half.

Image result for pyramid head game scene

#1: Pennywise the Clown
“It” (1990; 2017)

Nobody likes clowns, and they don’t come more terrifying than Pennywise. With a tendency to devour children, we think he would make for a great addition to Mortal Kombat’s merry band of psychos. Can you imagine how hilariously gruesome his fatalities would be? He’s got so many abilities at his disposal he’d probably be able to keep up with Scorpion easily. If by some miracle he does find his way into MKX-2, we can only hope he comes packed with plenty of balloon-based finishers. Bonus points if they include both the Tim Curry and Bill Skarsgard  versions!

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the other Top 10 Characters We Want To See In A Fighting Game!
