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Top 3 Franchises That Telltale Games Should Adapt

What Tangled Webs Will They Weave Next?

From iconic giants such as Game of Thrones all the way to indie gems a la The Wolf Among Us, Telltale Games have established themselves as storytellers unafraid of taking the worlds we love and injecting new, riveting tales for us to explore. They may rearrange the lore, but for the most part their various gaming endeavours have only served to add to the mythos of each title. We can safety say that their take on Batman and Bruce Wayne is certainly unlike any other we’ve played!

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This begs the question, what property will they undertake next? If everything from Minecraft to Guardians of the Galaxy is fair game, then the sky truly is the limit. With that in mind, we hope they eventually cast their eye to these particular franchises!

#3: “Mobile Suit Gundam” (1979-80)

They may have dabbled with giant robots in Tales from the Borderlands, but this time we want to see them front and centre. Arguably the pioneer of the mecha genre, the first Gundam series had all the action you could want along with clear message about the consequences of conflict. Whether we play from the perspective of pre-established legends like Char Aznable, or instead take on the roles of brand new pilots based on opposing sides of the 100 Year War, we’d love nothing more than to see how Telltale would tackle the Mobile Suits!

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#2: “Saga” (2012-)

Much likes how Game of Thrones brought the savagery and sensuality to the fantasy genre, Brian K. Vaughan’s acclaimed comic book series is everything you could want from a gritty, uncensored space opera. As two lovebirds from warring factions try to start a new life for them and their newborn child, they find themselves having to fight and flee from all manner of cosmic dangers. Freelancers, magic users, winged soldiers, ghosts…and a prince with PTSD who also has a television for a head. It’s as brilliant as it is bizarre, and we’d love nothing more than to take on the roles of both Alana and Marko.

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#1: “Avatar” franchise (2005-08; 2012-14)

Aang and Korra’s journey to bring balance to the world not only gave us all the elemental action scenes we could want, but also maintained beautiful philosophies about nature, spirituality and maturity. Throw in some captivating enemies, exploration into tricky subject matters such as segregation, gender politics and adolescence, and these two series had the whole package. While their stories are continuing in comic book form, we feel the shows’ legacy is still ripe for adaptation. Perhaps playing as a brand new Avatar struggling to find their place in the grand scheme of things? The potential for a successful video game outing here is huge!

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Be sure to check out our video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Impossible Choices in Telltale Games.
