watchmojo top 10 video games call of duty fire emblem mario Top 3

Top 3 Video Game Series That Will Never End

Nothing’s Gonna Ever Keep Them Down~

While some video games reach their peak in a single installment or as part of a trilogy, others have such appeal that they find themselves spanning the course of a series. While every entry doesn’t always come out free of flaws, franchises such as The Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest and Pokemon are still held up as legendary properties regardless, so much so that fans can’t wait to see the next iteration.

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That’s not to say every long-lasting series is considered a gem, some live on in infamy and yet continue to produce new titles year after year. As such, whether we want them to or not, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll be hearing the end of these three anytime soon.

#3: “Call of Duty” (2003-17)

Many will claim that this FPS reached its peak with its Modern Warfare saga, specifically the second iteration, which garnered huge praise for both its campaign as well as its revolutionary multiplayer. While it would find a steady stream of success with Black Ops and its many sequels, both fans and outsiders alike have come to view the franchise with disdain due to its toxic online community as well as the sense that it’s just meeting deadlines as opposed to innovating the genre like it used to. One thing is for sure, we can expect to keep seeing these come out like clockwork.

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#2: “Fire Emblem” (1990-2017)

A diamond of the tactical RPG genre and one of Japan’s most beloved titles, this series been knocking out hits for nearly twenty years, its latest entries have seen such widespread acclaim the world over. Not only has each sequel further perfected the combat system, but recent titles like Awakening and Fates have also given us a stellar romance system and engrossing narratives to explore at our leisure. Its fair to say fans can’t wait to see what new heights the series can reach in its upcoming debut on the Switch.

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#1: “Super Mario” (1985-2017)

You can’t keep a good plumber down. Even if you ignore the endless amount of spin-offs and crossovers that he has appeared in over the years, even if you focus solely on main canon, you’ll see that old Mario has consistently managed to deliver quality content time after time. From his first step into the world off 3D all the way to the phenomenon that was Odyssey, it’s become obvious that whatever this mustachio wonder touchs turns to gold. Heck, Mario might outlive us all at this rate!

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for Another Top 10 Franchises That Destroyed the Competition!
