watchmojo top 10 video games romance Top 3 saints row divinity Top 3 Underrated Video Game Romances

Top 3 Underrated Video Game Romances

Love Is In The Air

Romance options are a tricky thing, especially when it comes to modern video games. Fans have come to expect legitimate effort to be put into building a connection between the characters and exploring all avenues that paint the possible coupling as relatable as possible. After all, just because you have the hots for a Quarian who can’t survive without an environmental suit doesn’t mean you can skip over the intricacies about pursuing an inter-species relationship.

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While series like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Witcher and Persona will always be considered the best of the best when it comes to finding your video game paramour, we still feel these three titles deserve praise for bringing their own brand of matchmaking skills to the table.

#3: “HuniePop” (2015)

Shaking up the Dating Sim formula in ways we never would have expected, this game managed to balance tile-matching mechanics with a series of smoking hot romance options. While the lewdness was certainly taken up to eleven, what made the whole thing such a gem to play was the charm of its characters. You got to know Kyanna’s hobbies, Aiko’s vices, Audrey’s regrets and Kyu’s insatiable appetites to an absurd degree, all in order to better your chances of earning their affection. Honestly, by the time that long-awaited night between the sheets came round, you felt like you had made a legitimate connection!

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#2: “Saints Row IV” (2013)

Like everything else in this game, the way romance options are handled is brimming with parody and satire. Sure, you still have to help them out in order to earn their absolute loyalty, but that doesn’t stop you from immediately hopping into bed with every single one of them at the tip of a hat. Yes, that includes the floating robot eye. The character interactions are hilarious, poking fun at the conventions many gamers had grown accustomed to. Still, we are a little disappointed we couldn’t start a whirlwind relationship with Keith David.

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#1: “Divinity: Dragon Commander” (2013)

It may be overshadowed by Original Sin in terms of world-building and gameplay, but this little spin-off still held its own in a number of ways. One of which just so happened to be a series of questlines involving an arranged marriage to one of four princesses, each representing the Civilised Races. Turns out there’s no honeymoon period, as each of the Dragon’s betrothed harbour a personal burden that players can influence, all of which leads to vastly different outcomes for their character. Do you go with the Dwarf with daddy issues? The Elf struggling to remain loyal to her people’s customs? The Lizard with a black and white view of justice? Perhaps the Undead suffering a terminal disease?

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