watchmojo top 10 Top 5 alex jones info wars Top 5 Ridiculous Alex Jones Moments

Top 5 Ridiculous Alex Jones Moments

Wait, What Did He Just Say?

Things haven’t been looking good for Alex Jones as of late. The radio host famous for his conspiracy theories and otherwise crazed content seems to have stepped on too many toes, leading to his channel being wiped from Youtube, Spotify and numerous other outlets. Given some of these outrageous claims, is it really any surprise?

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#5: Joker Cosplay

Who doesn’t enjoy dressing up as their favorite comic book character? Alex Jones likes to do it and rant about Obama. In a truly unsettling segment, Alex dresses as the Joker from Christopher Nolan’s 2008 film – “The Dark Knight”. Doing his best imitation of the character that wowed audiences with his unhinged and maniacal behavior, the Infowars host starts the segment with a seriously chilling laugh and… things just get weirder from there. Still in costume, he hits the streets, offering $1000 to anyone who videotapes themselves putting up flyers of Barack Obama made up to look like the iconic Bat-villain. Anyone else confused?

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#4: Goblins

Look, goblins are a serious problem. Anyone who’s seen The Hobbit can tell you that. Or how about Jareth, that no good baby-stealing Goblin King from Labyrinth? In theory, we agree with Jones on this one, but he loses us when he starts talking about kissing goblins or getting in bed with a goblin. In this talk about Trump, Jones weaves an intricate and very detailed metaphor about the dangers of associating with certain political elites. The rant gets hysterical however, when he seemingly gets lost in his own metaphor. But hey, goblins are an interesting topic of conversation… even the best of us get sidetracked when talking about them.

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#3: BBC Sunday Politics

Things sure can get weird when two worlds collide, huh? In this segment, the realm of real world news and journalism smashes straight into the conspiracy-tornado land of infowars and Alex Jones. During this BBC segment, fellow guest David Aaronovitch takes him to task, pointedly asking Jones why it is that he’s been allowed to live if he is in fact uncovering all of these New World Order conspiracies. A fair question, but rather than answer it, Jones flies off the rails. Of course, Jones also uses this as an opportunity to namedrop his website,, every other sentence.

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#2: Hillary Clinton and the Pickle Jar

After suffering a severe medical episode during her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton staged several bizarre stunts designed to prove her health. One of these stunts, clearly meant to be in good fun, involved her opening a pickle jar on the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Believe it or not, Alex claimed the whole thing was fake because he didn’t hear a “pop.” He also points out that pickled vegetables have a top which doesn’t turn all the way around like the jar in the segment. Her appearance on the late-night show was clearly political theater, but – being a few pickles short of a jar himself – Alex Jones just took the conspiracy theory too far.

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#1: Gay Frogs

A recurring theme on Jones’ show is the conspiracy that the United States government is actively trying to turn things gay. In one segment, for example, he claimed that the chemical lining in juice boxes is meant to turn kids into homosexuals. Most famously however, he asserted that the U.S. has a “Gay Bomb” which it has already used. A side effect of these weapons of mass homosexuality is that the run-off chemicals in the water are turning the frogs gay. We’re not sure how he knows the true feelings of our amphibian friends, but we’ll take his word for it. Either way, Alex Jones clearly won’t stand for it anymore.

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Dumbest Alex Jones Predictions.
