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Top 5 Worst Things Stewie Griffin Has Ever Done

He’s One Bad Baby

Whether you’re a longtime “Family Guy” fan or you’ve stumbled on an episode here and there for some comedic relief, it’s clear that the family’s patriarch Peter Griffin is known for being quite reckless. We’ve explored his dangerous and questionable decisions in previous videos like Top 10 Reasons Peter Griffin Should Be in Prison and Top 10 Reasons Why Lois Griffin Should Divorce Peter, but now we’re turning our attention to the youngest member of the family, Stewie Griffin. Stewie’s heinous misdeeds prove that this animated show throws away all rules and regulations related to the capacity of an infant and to prove it, here are 5 of the worst things Stewie has ever done:

#5: Murdering New Brian  – “The Man with Two Brians”

Although he may mistreat him, as we’ll see soon, Stewie is Brian’s best friend. So when the family gets a new dog, the insensitively named New Brian, Stewie is understandably upset. Despite the affable New Brian getting along and winning over everyone else, Stewie remains loyal to his friend. When Stewie attempts to drive the new dog away, New Brian replies that he has humped Stewie’s stuffed bear, Rupert; prompting Stewie to brutally murder the dog off-screen, dragging his dismembered corpse to the garbage and leaving an unconvincing suicide note.

#4: “Where’s My Money?” –  “Patriot Games”

To pull a complete 180 from our last entry, despite valuing Brian’s friendship sometimes, Stewie is also relentlessly cruel to the family dog. One of the worst things he does personally to Brian happens after the dog makes a bet with Stewie that he loses. After he is unable to come up with the money, Stewie resorts to beating Brian severely, nearly drowning him in the toilet, shooting both his knees, and even lighting him on fire. While the violence is so absurdly graphic that it’s clearly meant for comedy, the fact that Stewie does such to a friend is pretty awful. Granted, Brian stoops pretty low to get him back.

#3: Torturing & Murdering Brian’s Siblings – “Hannah Banana”

Beating, shooting, and tormenting Brian is bad, but this is arguably worse. When Brian learns Stewie likes Miley Cyrus, he mocks him for it and refuses to help Stewie get tickets, since they’re too expensive and hard to come by. To secure Brian’s help, Stewie locates all of Brian’s siblings and traps and films them in elaborate torture and execution rooms. The fact that the diabolical toddler goes to such cruel and complicated lengths is even pointed out by Brian – and the fact that it’s his first or even second instinct is rather disturbing.

#2: Watching His Therapist Die – “Send in Stewie, Please”

A unique episode from the 16th season sees the entire episode devoted to Stewie seeing a child psychologist. In it, Stewie is honest about many aspects of his insecurities and persona. As the session draws to a close, Dr. Pritchfield begins having a heart attack, but, instead of helping him, Stewie does nothing because he doesn’t want to risk anyone else discovering his secrets. Stewie has killed plenty of people, as we’ve already seen, but his heartless inaction here is particularly shocking. It’s also clear that even he’s unnerved by what he’s done, or rather, failed to do.

#1: Trying to Kill Lois – “Death Is a Bitch”

From the very beginning of “Family Guy,” Stewie has made no effort to hide his contempt for Lois or his many attempts to murder her. He’s come close to succeeding on several occasions, and while the two-parter “Stewie Kills Lois” and “Lois Kills Stewie” offer a fun what-if scenario, the closest the matricidal boy has come to success was arguably when it was ironically impossible for him to succeed. During Death’s holiday, Stewie knocks Lois down the stairs, drops a cabinet on her, and then throws a grenade in the cabinet. And he would have gotten away with it, had death been a possibility.

To find out the full list of catastrophic Stewie moments, check out the video below!

