television streaming animation cartoon art Nickelodeon cancer avatar the last airbender style Home Decor Redbubble Azula Earth Kingdom Air Nomads Fire Nation Aries Taurus Gemini Leo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Ba SIng Se Print Clock Pillow Graphic Tee Poster Map Sticker iPad skin Spirit Library Swamp Moon SPirit Ocean Spirit Painted Lady Raave and Vaatu

The Perfect “Avatar: The Last Airbender” Fan Art for Every Sign

It’s true that we’ve all been spending a lot more time at home lately, but there are still silver linings.  Like having more time to binge watch the amazing Nickelodeon show, “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” now that it’s available to stream.  Whether you’re a new fan or an old member of the gAang, “Avatar” has something for everyone to love; the internet is just full of incredibly talented artists making it possible to turn that fandom into a feature of your space.  But how to choose?  Well, for a show that highlights the four elements, there’s no better way to start stylebending than to get your own elemental energy in line and follow your sign.  

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“Fire Lord Azula” Canvas Print; Redbubble

Passionate, motivated, confident leaders, strong personalities.  If it sounds familiar it’s not just because we’re describing some of the best traits of Aries individuals.  Princess Azula is a fabulously complicated lady with some serious Aries energy of her own.  The bold colors of this print pop as vividly as the sign’s typically bold aura, while the minimalist style is perfect for direct Aries’ dislike of unnecessary complications.  A fierce firebender representing the first fire sign of the Zodiac is a great addition to the collection of any style savvy Aries.  

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“Visit Beautiful Ba Sing Se” Poster; Redbubble

Taurus is a sign that loves their luxury.  They prize the finer things in life, and enjoy the consistency that makes all that pampering possible.  That’s why a Taurus would definitely be at home in the city of Ba Sing Se.  Whether it’s a trip to the day spa, or a shopping spree in the Upper Ring, serene, orderly Ba Sing Se with its commitment to maintaining a peaceful status quo can offer the very best of Earth Kingdom amenities.  This travel poster will let Taurus kick back, sip a cup of tea, and imagine they’re chilling at the Jasmine Dragon.  

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Planetarium Calendar Clock; Redbubble

For Gemini there are never enough hours in the day.  These curious, intellectual types are always chasing some stimulating new hobby, idea, or activity; a trip to Wan Shi Tong’s Spirit Library would be an opportunity any Gemini would jump at.  This reproduction of the library’s Planetarium Calendar lets them bring home a little piece of the knowledge of the ages, one that doesn’t involve any disruptive spirits.  Superimposed on a clock face, it might even help Gemini manage their time as they pursue their own 10,000 things worth knowing.

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“Water Spirit” Floor Pillow; Redbubble

It’s tough to be a Cancer.  Though they’re naturally homebodies, these strongly psychic water signs can’t help but toggle between planes.  So what to do?  This beautiful pillow cover might be a nice place to start.  With a size that’s perfect whether sitting on the floor or lounging in bed, it offers cozy Cancer all the creature comfort they covet, while the dreamy water spirit print soothes the psyche.  The material and spiritual meeting in one lovely piece?   That’s as quintessentially Cancer as it gets.

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“Avatar The Firebending Style” Art Print; Redbubble

There’s no denying that Leos are the most dramatic of all the signs.  Daring, fearless, and creative, these folks like to make a statement, and this gorgeous firebending print blazes its own impression in a way that can’t help but bring Leo to mind. With the striking central silhouette and the bold sweep of the flames, this artwork reflects the kind of eye-catching ferocity that Leo individuals naturally project.  The vibrant vibes of this piece are a great match to the undeniable blaze of the fire sign’s personality. 

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“Minimalist Earth” Green iPad Skin and Case; Redbubble

Virgo is the kind of person who has it all planned out.  Perhaps the most rooted of the Earth signs, they are hardworking, committed, and they just want to make the world a more efficient place.  The symmetry of this design is the perfect visual representation of logical order, while the use of art in a functional medium is practical Virgo’s dream come true.  The Earth Kingdom emblem on an iPad case is everything that Virgo craves with the bonus of a soothing green color pallet that may calm their irritation in those moments when the rest of the world isn’t quite as well-prepared as they are. 

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“Tribal Air” Travel Mug; Redbubble

Like the Air Nomads with whom they share an element, Libra is guided by a strong desire for balance.  That doesn’t mean they want to sacrifice aesthetics to achieve it, though.  In a Libra’s ideal world everything would exist in harmony and look fabulous too.  That might not always be possible, but this mug can at least give the illusion that it is.  The tri-spiral air symbol is the kind of visual balance that Libra loves, while the swirling design enhancements and rich chocolate and gold color scheme provide just the right hint of decadence to suit their upscale tastes.  And turning a mundane daily item like a travel mug into art?  That’s the kind of jam Libra can always appreciate. 

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“The Legend of Raava and Vaatu” Mounted Print; Redbubble

Ruled by Pluto, it’s no wonder that Scorpio can be frustratingly misunderstood.  Calculating and intuitive, seductive and mysterious, empathetic but occasionally volatile, they sometimes seem impossible to figure out.  So what better to represent Scorpio than the dual spirits of Light and Dark?  This stunning mounted print of Raava and Vaatu demonstrates the equilibrium that exists at the heart of these enigmatic Scorpio  individuals.  Whether they’re the best friend you’ve ever had or they’ve delivered a sharp sting, Scorpios exist in perfect harmony with the light and dark that exists in everyone.  A human Harmonic Convergence, if you will.  

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“Avatar: The Last Airbender Map” Poster; Redbubble

No one can quite match the enthusiasm of a Sagittarius.  The term “Wanderlust” might as well have been coined to describe these folks who are always the first in line to go on an adventure.  This map poster of the “Avatar” world isn’t just a nice wall decoration, it’s the stuff of Sagittarius’ dreams: New places, undiscovered knowledge, and stories waiting to be told.  The dauntless archers won’t just see a fantasy world in this image, they’ll see inspiration to go out and make their own epic saga come to life. 

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University of Earthbending Graphic Tee; Redbubble

Outwardly, the Capricorn is a focused, goal-oriented, and ambitious individual, but underneath there is an unexpected and mischievous sense of fun.  Is it just us, or does that sound kind of like a university student?  By sporting this artwork on a high quality t-shirt, the Capricorn can announce themselves to the world: That they have the brains and the determination to succeed in an elite environment…and that they have the whimsy to take pride in a school that doesn’t technically exist.  Both sides of the Capricorn nature are well represented in this wearable design.  

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“Avatar Korra Swamp” Canvas Print; Redbubble

Rebellious, visionary, and often considered eccentric, Aquarians may seem like they’re off in their own world.  That’s why the tree at the center of the Earth Kingdom’s mysterious swamp is such a fascinating prospect for the Aquarius mind, and why this canvas print would be the perfect addition to any Water-Bearer’s space.  The powerful spiritual energy and mystical properties of the swamp are comforting to free-spirited Aquarius, who is always ready to chase some higher vision or deeper mystery.  Maybe just having this art on the wall would help to focus all that cosmic energy Aquarius is always vibrating with, and boost them to their natural greatness. 

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“Moon Spirit” Sticker; Redbubble

Pisces is a sign known for a deeply compassionate and sensitive nature, which is why they would surely feel an affinity with The Painted Lady.  This gentle guardian is depicted here with the Moon and Ocean Spirits, representing balance, all things that speak to the nature of the empathetic water sign.  For the Pisces individual, who often feels suspended between fantasy and reality, the spiritual entities who choose to dwell in the mortal world become apt signifiers of their own duality, which they can carry with them wherever they go thanks to the convenience of being able to buy artwork in a sticker format.  

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