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Different Types of Drivers and How To Deal With Them

Everyone drives, and everyone has a different style of driving. While most are very safety-conscious while on the road, there are still many who consistently disregard the rules and safety regulations put in place. Often, it can be difficult to know how to react to these dangerous drivers in a safe and effective manner. To help you be confident in these situations, here is how to identify the different types of drivers and how to deal with them.

The Speeder

Speeding is all too common, especially if you live in a heavily populated area. Typically, these drivers appear in situations where traffic is light to moderate. Speeders could be anyone who thinks that they have a lot of experience and confidence on the road. They may see themselves as entitled drivers as well, constantly cutting people off to avoid losing speed. Be aware that these types of people will most likely exhibit road rage if you block them. As such, it is best to leave them alone and simply allow them to pass.

The Newbie

Every year, thousands take their first few steps toward becoming confident drivers. However, everyone starts somewhere—typically in the “heavily inexperienced” category. These drivers have the tendency to overcorrect due to nerves. Be patient with these drivers but keep your distance all the same. You never know if they will make the classic mistake of switching the accelerator and brake pedal.

The Angry Driver

The angry driver is the most common of all drivers that you will likely have to deal with. The problem with angry drivers is that they often seem to appear out of nowhere. In fact, in most road rage accidents, some may not even be aware they were in a road rage accident until they see a person brake check them and drive away. For angry drivers, the best thing to do is simply avoid these drivers as much as possible. Look to the various defensive techniques of driving to further inform you on what to do.

The Multitasker

Distracted driving is one of the most common and yet most destructive mistakes one can make while driving. Utilizing a cell phone takes a lot more focus than most may realize. Typically, these individuals may be oblivious or uncaring towards their surroundings. One of the best ways to avoid these drivers is to pay close attention to where they are looking. These people are typically looking down or to the side. If you notice this, try to put some distance between you and them. Under no circumstances should you try to get their attention. This could startle them and cause a crash.

We hope that this article has helped you understand the different types of drivers and how to deal with them. Please be safe on the road and aware of your surroundings!
