Top 10 Actors Who Have Been in Marvel AND Game Of Thrones

For this list, we'll be looking at the performers who have appeared in properties based on Marvel comics, as well as the TV show “Game of Thrones.” There may be spoilers for both ahead, so take care!
#10: David Bradley
“Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011)
Actor David Bradley is best known among “Game of Thrones” fans for playing the vile Walder Frey, who helps orchestrate the infamous Red Wedding. However, the veteran actor also had a small and far more palatable role in the first “Captain America” film. Bradley played an unnamed church keeper in Norway charged with the protection of the Tesseract. He ultimately fails in this mission, as the cosmic cube is discovered by Hydra and Red Skull, and he’s executed. Both characters may end up dead, but one definitely deserved it more!
#9: Ed Skrein
“Deadpool” (2016)
There have been several notable recastings in “Game of Thrones,” but one of the most jarring is that of Daario Naharis. The first actor to play the character was Ed Skrein, who brought an undeniable charm and swagger to the character. His appearance in “Deadpool” had plenty of swagger too, but very little charm. Skrein plays Francis, a.k.a. Ajax, the villain who both gives the titular wisecracking antihero his powers and disfigures him through torture, leading to Deadpool’s vengeful rampage. We do have to commend Skrein for being able to make us love him in one role and hate him in another.
#8: Richard E. Grant
“Logan” (2017)
Another experienced actor, Richard E. Grant plays the villain in “Logan,” Dr. Zander Rice, a man who not only experiments on children, but who also helps orchestrate the near-extinction of mutants through genetically modified foods. In “Game of Thrones,” Grant plays a similarly ill-tempered, but far more comedic role, or roles, as Izembaro, the leader of a theater troupe in Braavos who perform a bawdy and thoroughly inaccurate play about the events of the show until that point. Grant plays caricatures of Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister within the play itself – talk about range.
#7: Natalie Dormer
“Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011)
In “Game of Thrones,” Natalie Dormer portrays Margaery Tyrell, a beautiful and savvy player who marries two of the Kings and almost makes for a good Queen. Margaery’s ambitions may be foiled by Cersei, but her skills in politics and seduction are considerable. Her role in Marvel is similarly entrancing, as she has a small part as Private Lorraine, a military secretary who manages to briefly pull Captain America’s eyes away from his primary love interest Peggy Carter, thanks to some flattery over his recent heroism and a rather forward kiss.
#6: Maisie Williams
“The New Mutants” (2020)
Maisie Williams is set to star in the SUPER delayed Marvel film, “The New Mutants.” Williams’ character is Rahne Sinclair, also known as Wolfsbane, a Scottish mutant who has powers similar to a werewolf. How well she plays the character is currently unknown, due to the aforementioned delays, but her portrayal of Arya Stark on “Game of Thrones” has been exceptional. Her journey from rebellious daughter, to wannabe killer, to assassin, to incredible warrior was been a joy to watch. We can only hope that Williams’ brings the same intensity, wit, and physical skill to her Marvel role too.
#5: Sophie Turner
“X-Men: Apocalypse” (2016) and “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” (2019)
As Sansa Stark on “Game of Thrones,” Sophie Turner grew up over the course of the show, along with her character. Sansa begins the series as a naïve young girl whose many hardships and time spent as a pawn in the games of others help forge her into a formidable player in her own right. She plays a different sort of formidable character in the “X-Men” films as Jean Grey, a powerful psychic mutant and member of the younger generation of the titular group. Both of Turner’s characters also handle their power in different ways.
#4: Iwan Rheon
“Inhumans” (2017)
“Game of Thrones” has some truly hateable characters, and one of its most reviled is Ramsay Bolton, played by Iwan Rheon. Ramsay’s wanton, gleeful sadism and numerous crimes against everyone around him, along with Rheon’s charismatic performance, helped make the character a great villain even by the show’s impressive standards. Rheon played another antagonist, Maximus, on the short-lived Marvel show, “Inhumans.” Although Maximus is another man who executes a coup against his family to rise in power, he’s a far more sympathetic character than Ramsay, even if they do both meet rather grisly ends.
#3: Richard Madden
“The Eternals” (2020)
Richard Madden got his big break on “Game of Thrones,” portraying the Young Wolf himself, Robb Stark, whose quest to avenge his father and defeat the Lannisters ended in tragedy. Nevertheless, during Madden’s time on the show, his portrayal of a young man dealing with the pressures of command was compelling. Although Madden’s role as Ikaris in “The Eternals” is still forthcoming, we look forward to seeing his talents be complemented by the character’s numerous powers and we’re confident that he’ll be able to stand out among the impressive ensemble cast, since he already has experience at that.
#2: Kit Harrington
“The Eternals” (2020)
Richard Madden won’t be the only Stark brother to be in “The Eternals!” Kit Harrington will also be joining the cast as Dane Whitman, a.k.a. Black Knight. While not much is known of the film at present, Black Knight in the comics is portrayed as an expert swordsman, and Harrington certainly fits the bill there, given his many impressive sword fights in “Game of Thrones.” As Jon Snow, Harrington captured the character’s reluctance to command, despite his ability to inspire loyalty, as well as his physical prowess, and helped make the character one of the most iconic from an already stellar cast.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Finn Jones
“Iron Fist” (2017-18), “Defenders” (2017), and “Luke Cage” (2016-18)
Jessica Henwick
“Iron Fist” (2017-18), “Defenders” (2017), and “Luke Cage” (2016-18)
Harry Lloyd
“Legion” (2017-19)
#1: Peter Dinklage
“X-Men: Days of Future Past” (2014) and “Avengers: Infinity War” (2018)
It’s only fitting that our top pick goes to the only entry on our list to appear in two entirely different roles. In addition to playing Tyrion Lannister, the quick witted and unfairly maligned dwarf on “Game of Thrones,” the actor also portrays Bolivar Trask, the man responsible for the creation of the robotic Sentinals who menace the X-Men, as well as Eitri, the disfigured king of the dwarves who helps Thor forge his new weapon in “Avengers: Infinity War.” All three are powerful men who cast big shadows, though one of them is a bit more literal about it.