Top 10 Easy Ways To Be More British

For this list, we'll be looking at the habits and traits one could acquire to come across as more British, so you'll never seem out at place when you're invited to one of the Queen's dinner parties. Best to be prepared, right? Quite right.
Special thanks to our user WordToTheWes for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool: WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Go to the Pub
Well, this one is pretty self explanatory, isn’t it? Simply pop down to a local, queue up, get a round in, get hammered and you’re already halfway to being a true Brit! Doesn’t even have to be on a weekend... can be a Thursday night, Tuesday afternoon... Monday morning... they open early. You can’t beat the atmosphere of a traditional British pub, plus we Brits are famous (or is that infamous) worldwide for our drinking exploits. And if you have one too many and end up getting barred for the foreseeable future, well, that just adds to the Britishness!
#9: Grumble, but Don't Let it Out
So, after a forty-five minute wait, your lasagne finally arrives. At least, a lasagne is what you ordered. This more resembles a cream soup with some still frozen beef swimming around somewhere in the middle. Of course, British manners won’t allow you to complain . . . but my gosh, will you have a good moan about it! When the waiter asks if everything’s okay, you’ll smile through gritted teeth and say everything’s great. You’ll finish your plate. But you’ll always have the sweet relief of a good grumble!
#8: Live for TV Soap Operas
We may be living in the golden age of television, but as much as we enjoy the likes of “Game of Thrones” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” they’ll never compare to mainstays the likes of “EastEnders” and “Corrie”. And let’s face it, British soaps will outlive any big budget American TV series that comes along. The trials and tribulations of the soap characters we’ve invited into our homes for years perfectly encapsulate British life. The sometimes corny acting just adds to the charm. Catching up with a “Hollyoaks” omnibus is as British as it gets!
#7: Refuse to Walk Through a Doorway First
It's another case of instilled British manners working against you. You want to pass through a doorway but someone intends to do the same. It’s only British to insist the other person go through first. Though, they may extend the same courtesy. It’s then you have a standoff on your hands that could take some time. While you could possibly be stuck outside in the rain or have an important meeting to get to, the more of these duels you win, the more British you’ll be!
#6: Adopt the Local Dialect
The dialect you’ll be taking on will, of course, be dependent on just whereabouts in Britain you are. You might find yourself addressing people as “pet” a lot if you're in Newcastle, like. Or “bruv” if you're in London. If you’re an outsider in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales, you’ll have to decipher the typically thicker accents before you can even think about using the local pet names, yourself. Every country, and even county, within the UK has its own unique slang which could appear as alien to the uninitiated.
#5: Be Proud of Your Garden
Brits are always sure to put meticulous care into maintaining their gardens, if not just to upstage the neighbours! While the typical British weather may seem to render the whole exercise pointless, it’s best to be prepared for when there’s a brief spell of sunshine so you can get the BBQ started. Whether you’ve done the hard graft yourself or took a shortcut and hired a professional to do the dirty work, taking pride in one’s garden is a staple of the British character.
#4: Complain About the Americans. the Germans & the French
Despite the wars waged against America, Germany and France coming to a close a long, long time ago, the stream of complaints aimed at our former foes has never stopped! Typically reserved Brits can find the general forwardness of Americans a bit much for their tastes. While the Germans have a habit for stealing the sun loungers on holiday. And the French… well, they’re bloody French, aren't they? Regularly bad mouthing any of these inhabitants goes along way in filling the British trait quota.
#3: Love a Bargain
Be it from a car boot sale or second hand store, Brits do love a bargain! Sometimes the item being purchased may not even be desired, it’s just the thrill of knowing you’re getting it with a few quid knocked off. We even like to see others land themselves a shrewd deal; TV programmes have even been made about it. As the Tesco slogan says - ‘every little helps’. So, never take the initial asking price as gospel: always haggle, or at least look elsewhere until you find a better offer.
#2: Wear Summer Clothing at the First Sight of Sun
Hot, warm, or even bright weather is a scarcity for foggy old Britain. So, the moment there’s even a ray of light piercing through the grey clouds above, you better have your vest top, short shorts and sandals at the ready! This is not a drill! Just be braced for the chiropractic therapy you’re going to need after a day of sunbathing on the pebbles of Brighton beach. Of course, before long, a classic Brit will be complaining that it’s too hot, and missing the days of thunderstorms and blizzards.
#1: Eat a Traditional Roast Dinner on a Sunday
The ultimate British tradition. Turkey, Chicken, Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb or a combination of any or all, with some veg on the side, all doused in gravy. Delicious! While traditionally the Sunday roast would be eaten after a visit to church, most Brits have got in on the act, whether they're among the faithful or not! You could even go full Brit and combine this entry with others on this list. Perhaps tuck into a roast at a local pub, grumble about it the whole time but refuse to complain! Still, beats whatever the Germans are eating...