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Joby Bond

10 Reasons Why Lady Gaga Is Adored By Fans

11 2
Suggested by Joby Bond

because she is creative, unique and one of a kind

2 1

10 Reasons Why Lady Gaga Is Adored By Fans

Play Trivia 10 Reasons Why Lady Gaga Is Adored By Fans
Suggested by Joby Bond

because she never picks beef with people

2 1
Suggested by Joby Bond

because her records have actual meaning and raw feeling in them

2 1
Stine Pedersen
Suggested by Stine Pedersen

Because she dares to be different

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Suggested by Joby Bond

because she is a good role model to all ages

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Suggested by Joby Bond

because she always manages to wow everyone with her records

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Suggested by Joby Bond

because she is a huge supporter of LGBTQ community

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Suggested by Joby Bond

because she is very loving and caring for her fans

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Suggested by Joby Bond

because she has helped many people come out and live a happier life

1 1
Suggested by jhwoe6

Her dog is a model

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