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Akash Muddaraj

Top 10 Beneficial Video Game Glitches

4 1
Suggested by Akash Muddaraj

Mr. Toots- Red Faction: Armageddon

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Top 10 Beneficial Video Game Glitches

Play Trivia Top 10 Beneficial Video Game Glitches
Suggested by Akash Muddaraj

Old Woman- Worms

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Suggested by Akash Muddaraj

The Penetrator- Saints Row the Third

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Suggested by Akash Muddaraj

Gunblade- Final Fantasy VIII

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Suggested by Akash Muddaraj

Gun-chucks- Bayonetta

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Suggested by Akash Muddaraj

Keyblade- Kingdom Hearts

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Suggested by Akash Muddaraj

Drill Bucket- Dead Rising 2

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