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Andrew A. Dennison

Top 10 Best Adam Sandler Movies

17 4
Suggested by Dillon Harris

Happy Gilmore

10 1

Top 10 Best Adam Sandler Movies

Play Trivia Top 10 Best Adam Sandler Movies
Suggested by Dillon Harris

Punch Drunk Love

7 1
Suggested by Ddubb

Reign Over Me

5 0
Suggested by weird4productions

Billy Madison

6 2
Cooper Schlickau
Cooper Schlickau 2 years ago Report
41% on rotten tomatoes
0 0
Suggested by Ellie Yaysel V.

Big Daddy

5 1
Cooper Schlickau
Cooper Schlickau 2 years ago Report
39% on rotten tomatoes
0 0
Suggested by Contributor101

Hotel Transylvania

6 2
Cooper Schlickau
Cooper Schlickau 2 years ago Report
45% on rotten tomatoes
0 0
Suggested by lv

The Wedding Singer

4 0
Suggested by Dillon Harris


7 4
Cooper Schlickau
Cooper Schlickau 2 years ago Report
34% on rotten tomatoes
0 0
Suggested by weird4productions

50 First Dates

4 1
Cooper Schlickau
Cooper Schlickau 2 years ago Report
45% on rotten tomatoes
0 0
Suggested by luxioification

the waterboy

3 1
Cooper Schlickau
Cooper Schlickau 2 years ago Report
33% on rotten tomatoes
0 0

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