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Top 10 Comic Book Youtube Channels

1196 33
Suggested by SuperHero

Variant Comics

3246 836
Ashutosh Akella 10 years ago Report
"Variant is just down right PERFECT as he covers "all things comics" also he's very descriptive in his videos which are really informative. He also has Variant one shot videos which usually covers latest comic book news and gives his thoughts on it. #variantalltheway
25 8

Top 10 Comic Book Youtube Channels

Play Trivia Top 10 Comic Book Youtube Channels
Suggested by SuperHero


1857 962
dashingme 10 years ago Report
Comicstorian is great, he is not the type of youtuber which only releases a video once a week, he releases them at a high rate and has the perfect amount of content in the length of his videos as well. He is very fun to watch and listen to. #COMICSTORAINALLTHEWAY!!!
15 25
Suggested by Nikcano


1424 841
Grant Riordon 10 years ago Report
This guy's voice is the smoothest voice you'll here on YouTube! Add that with his great and informative videos, you've got a great combination! Plus the weekly pull, with TV Little house comics and comicstorian is the BEST,
17 16
Suggested by TheRealComicBookGame


777 306
LabelsXK 10 years ago Report
My go to guy for opinions and new characters. He entertains and informs. And he has the knowledge to think of amazing things for the movies and comics. My favorite comic book youtuber!
26 4
Suggested by Issac Arnold

BobSamurai Anime & Movie Reviews

480 64
Gr33n L4nt3rn 9 years ago Report
Okay, so BobSamurai, ForneverWorld, and Code Provider all have the exact same number of upvotes and downvotes, were suggested by Issac Arnold, and had no comments until this? SMELLS FISHY! (and yes, I'm going to post this on each channel)
6 0
Suggested by Issac Arnold


480 65
Gr33n L4nt3rn 9 years ago Report
Okay, so ForneverWorld, BobSamurai, and Code Provider all have the exact same number of upvotes and downvotes, were suggested by Issac Arnold, and had no comments until this? SMELLS FISHY! (and yes, I'm going to post this on each channel)
6 0
Suggested by Issac Arnold

Code Provider

480 65
Gr33n L4nt3rn 9 years ago Report
Okay, so Code Provider, ForneverWorld, and BobSamurai all have the exact same number of upvotes and downvotes, were suggested by Issac Arnold, and had no comments until this? SMELLS FISHY! (and yes, I'm going to post this on each channel)
6 0
Suggested by Cozmo Hopper


1089 727
Matt Allan 10 years ago Report
Spams his channel with most ridiculous gossip & nonsense and when questioned about this or given constructive criticism acts like a child and resorts to condescending insults.
42 13
Suggested by Lenny Brandenberg


478 174
black98 9 years ago Report
Does he even do Comic Books? I mean, he's a good gaming channel but he doesn't fit this category.
7 1
Suggested by Brian Purcell


908 609
Nepthaly Nathan Marquez-Perez 10 years ago Report
17 5

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