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Top 10 Hilarious Lies North Korea Told The World

26 3
Suggested by roxy

Kim Jong-il Is A Fashion Icon

7 0

Top 10 Hilarious Lies North Korea Told The World

Play Trivia Top 10 Hilarious Lies North Korea Told The World
Suggested by lv

Kim Jong Il Cured Dwarfism

5 0
Suggested by roxy

Olympians Were Haunted By Helpful Sports Ghosts

4 0
Suggested by roxy

Kim Jong-Il Is Loved And North Korea Is Envied All Over The World

4 0
Suggested by Lindzzze

They won The Korean War

3 0
Suggested by Karma

They had discovered a unicorn lair

3 0
Suggested by Lindzzze

Kim Jong II invented hamburgers.

2 0
Suggested by roxy

Democracy Flourishes In The Totalitarian Nation

1 0
Suggested by ReakMayhem

They made it to the World Cup finals

1 0
Suggested by lv

Kim Jong Il Had A Supernatural Birth

1 0

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