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Top 10 RIDICULOUS Lies North Korea Has Told the World

Top 10 RIDICULOUS Lies North Korea Has Told the World
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Nick Roffey
Script written by Nick Roffey.

There are some hilarious lies North Koreans are made to believe. Thanks to the North Korea propaganda machine, North Koreans believe that Kim Jong-il invented hamburgers, never pooped or peed and was the greatest at everything. Even more impressive, North Korea apparently has a wonder drug that makes people taller. WatchMojo counts down ten pieces of propaganda North Korea tries to pass off as fact.

Special thanks to our user ninou78 for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top%2010%20Hilarious%20Lies%20North%20Korea%20Told%20The%20World read more...
