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Waheed Abdullah
Waheed Abdullah

Top 10 Horrible Things That Happened To Samurai Jack

16 2
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

His Failed Attempts of Getting Back to the Past

3 0

Top 10 Horrible Things That Happened To Samurai Jack

Play Trivia Top 10 Horrible Things That Happened To Samurai Jack
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Being Turned into a Chicken- Chicken Jack

3 1
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Got His Sword and Clothes Stolen- Jack Is Naked

3 1
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

His Sandals Getting Run Over- Jack's Shoes

3 1
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Lost His Armor and Motorbike

4 2
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Caught a Cold From Aku- The Aku Infection

2 1
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Almost Committed Seppuku For Nothing- XCVII

3 2
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Accidentally Killed a Human- XCIII

3 2
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Temporary Lost His Sword

3 3
Waheed Abdullah
Suggested by Waheed Abdullah

Lost Ashi on His Wedding Day- CI

2 2

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