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The Dark Joker 99

Top 10 Legend of Zelda Boss fights

12 2
Suggested by The Dark Joker 99

Ocarina of Time-Ganon/Ganondorf

3 0

Top 10 Legend of Zelda Boss fights

Play Trivia Top 10 Legend of Zelda Boss fights
Suggested by The Dark Joker 99

Twilight Princess-Stallord

1 0
Suggested by The Dark Joker 99

Ocarina of Time-Twinrova

1 0
Suggested by The Dark Joker 99

twilight princess-zant

1 0
Suggested by Angelita Ellison

Twilight Princess - Ganondorf/Beast Ganon

1 0
Suggested by The Dark Joker 99

Majoras Mask-Odolwa

0 0

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