QUESTION Is the CCP doing to us. What the CIA did to the Soviet Union. To cause a COLLAPSE of government. Marine Sgt. John B Myers PhD American History.
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John B Myers
1 years ago Report
QUESTION Is the CCP doing to us. What the CIA did to the Soviet Union. To cause a COLLAPSE of government. Marine Sgt. John B Myers PhD American History.
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Larry Oliveri
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John B Myers
1 years ago Report
QUESTION Is the CCP doing to us. What the CIA did to the Soviet Union. To cause a COLLAPSE of government. Marine Sgt. John B Myers PhD American History.
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Kasel Lasam
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John B Myers
1 years ago Report
QUESTION Is the CCP doing to us. What the CIA did to the Soviet Union. To cause a COLLAPSE of government. Marine Sgt. John B Myers PhD American History.
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Kasel Lasam
Steve Wilkos
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Larry Oliveri
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John B Myers
1 years ago Report
QUESTION Is the CCP doing to us. What the CIA did to the Soviet Union. To cause a COLLAPSE of government. Marine Sgt. John B Myers PhD American History.
Suggested by
Kasel Lasam
Morton Downey, Jr.
John B Myers
1 years ago Report
QUESTION Is the CCP doing to us. What the CIA did to the Soviet Union. To cause a COLLAPSE of government. Marine Sgt. John B Myers PhD American History.
Suggested by
Larry Oliveri
Whoopi Goldberg
John B Myers
1 years ago Report
QUESTION Is the CCP doing to us. What the CIA did to the Soviet Union. To cause a COLLAPSE of government. Marine Sgt. John B Myers PhD American History.