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Nichelle Phoenix Perez

Top 10 Most Despised Female Celebrities

15 1
Suggested by Nichelle Phoenix Perez

The Kardashian Women

8 1

Top 10 Most Despised Female Celebrities

Play Trivia Top 10 Most Despised Female Celebrities
Suggested by Nichelle Phoenix Perez

Paris Hilton

5 0
zendaddy621 6 years ago Report
We haven't heard from her in years, so she probably shouldn't be on this list...
0 0
Suggested by Nichelle Phoenix Perez

Nikki Minaj

5 1
julic1999 6 years ago Report
*Nicki Minaj
0 0
Suggested by Nichelle Phoenix Perez


4 0
Suggested by Nichelle Phoenix Perez

Kristien Stewart

4 0
Suggested by zendaddy621

Ivanka Trump

7 3
Larry Oliveri
Suggested by Larry Oliveri

Serena Williams

4 0
Larry Oliveri
Suggested by Larry Oliveri

Kathy Griffin

3 0
Suggested by zendaddy621


3 0
Suggested by Nichelle Phoenix Perez

Miley Cyrus

3 1

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