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Top 10 Rewatchable Movie Sequels Of All Time

48 2
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

The Dark Knight

41 10

Top 10 Rewatchable Movie Sequels Of All Time

Play Trivia Top 10 Rewatchable Movie Sequels Of All Time
Suggested by jgga

The Empire Strikes Back

32 5
Suggested by jgga

Spider-Man 2

32 5
Suggested by jgga

Toy Story 3

32 6
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Suggested by Multiplying Link

Shrek 2

36 11
Suggested by Grygory

Terminator 2 : Judgement day

33 9
Suggested by jgga

Back to the Future Part II

27 5
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Suggested by Multiplying Link

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

26 8
Suggested by jgga

Avengers: Infinity War

23 5
Lilly Dee
Lilly Dee 4 years ago Report
This was a great movie, action, humor, suspense, tragedy it had it all! Endgame was such a dissapointment in comparrison.
3 2
Suggested by jgga

The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King

19 2
Lilly Dee
Lilly Dee 4 years ago Report
Love LOTR trlogy, & this one was my fav.
1 0

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