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Top 10 Things We'd Like to See On the Nintendo Switch

5 2
Suggested by FastTquick

A Better Online Infrastructure

2 0

Top 10 Things We'd Like to See On the Nintendo Switch

Play Trivia Top 10 Things We'd Like to See On the Nintendo Switch
Suggested by FastTquick

Better Hardware comparible to PS4/Xbox One

2 0
Suggested by FastTquick

Third-Party Support

1 0
Ian Said 7 years ago Report
There's already a Third-Party Suppert.
0 0
Suggested by Ian Said

Amiibo Functionality

1 0
Suggested by FastTquick


1 1
Ian Said 7 years ago Report
Achievements are for people who like to feel like winners when they're not doing something just as important.
0 0
Suggested by FastTquick

Voice Chat/Party Chat

1 1
Heather Leebert
Suggested by Heather Leebert

Backwards Compatibility

0 0
Suggested by CuriousUserX90

Next Official Mario Kart game.

0 0
Suggested by CuriousUserX90

Miiverse Successor.

0 0

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