1. The Last One (where Phoebe helped Ross get to Rachel in time, and yelled to make it happen)
Top 10 Underrated Ross and Phoebe Moments from FRIENDS
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One With Vikram (Phoebe's never had a serious relationship)
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One Where Phoebe Curses In Front Of Ben (Miss Pac-Man)
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One With Phoebe's First Bike
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One Where Phoebe Mugged Ross
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One Where They Date A Separated Couple (WE WANT THE LAST SIX YEARS BACK!)
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One With Ben's Name (where they get stuck in a closet with Susan in Season 1
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One With The Secret Marriage (Phoebe and Ross keeping Ross' marriage to Rachel a secret, her survey about whether women would date Ross, her constant teasing, etc.)
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One With Phoebe's Mother/Cat (where she told Ross to be a friend and be supportive)
Suggested by
Kristian Zacarias
The One Where Phoebe Convinces Ross to propose to Rachel (Season 8, after Emma's birth)