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Leonardo Klotz
Leonardo Klotz

Top 10 Worst Things AVI ARAD has Done

2 1
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

Shoehorn all the characters and storylines (The Amazing Spiderman 2)

2 1
Leonardo Klotz
Leonardo Klotz 4 years ago Report
People complain about EA and Disney. Why not Arad too?
0 1

Top 10 Worst Things AVI ARAD has Done

Play Trivia Top 10 Worst Things AVI ARAD has Done
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

Include Venom (Spiderman 3)

3 2
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

Make it PG-13 (Venom and Ghost in the Shell)

1 1
Leonardo Klotz
Suggested by Leonardo Klotz

Include the Lizard (Thhe Amazing Spiderman)

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