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Yet Another Top 10 Video Game Boss battles

11 3
Suggested by sgy0003

Ornstein and Smough (Dark Souls)

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Yet Another Top 10 Video Game Boss battles

Play Trivia Yet Another Top 10 Video Game Boss battles
Suggested by sgy0003

Twinnova (Ocarina of time)

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Suggested by sgy0003

Hercules (God of war 3)

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Suggested by sgy0003

Mr. Freeze (Batman: Arkham Knight)

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Suggested by sgy0003

Kai Leng (Mass Effect 3)

0 0
Suggested by sgy0003

Wilhelm (Borderlands 2)

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Suggested by sgy0003

Malus (Shadow of the Colossus)

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Suggested by sgy0003

Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid)

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Suggested by sgy0003

Meta Ridley (Metroid Prime)

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Suggested by sgy0003

Ansem Riku (Kingdom Hearts

0 0

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