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top 10 greatest nicknames in music

70 7
Suggested by jackhammer

The Prince of Darkness - Ozzy Osbourne

54 7

top 10 greatest nicknames in music

Play Trivia top 10 greatest nicknames in music
Suggested by Rocky Al.

King of Pop-Michael Jackson

59 12
Suggested by Henners250

The Boss - Bruce Springsteen

41 4
Suggested by backup368

Man in Black - Johnny Cash

35 3
Suggested by Rocky Al.

King of Rock n' Roll-Elvis Presley

39 8
Raymond Leduc
Suggested by Raymond Leduc

Godfather of Soul- James Brown

30 6
zendaddy621 9 years ago Report
Also 'The Hardest Working Man In Show Business'...
3 0
Leo Logan
Suggested by Leo Logan

Piano Man - Billy Joel

27 5
Suggested by zendaddy621

Queen of Soul - Aretha Franklin

23 2
Suggested by Director22

Weird Al - Al Yankovic

30 10
Nana Amuah 9 years ago Report
Wait, yeah! Why is Weird Al on here, that's his stage name.
0 0
Leo Logan
Suggested by Leo Logan

The Fab Four - The Beatles

27 8

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