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crispy chicken

top ten worst things that happened to Squidward

6 6
Suggested by crispy chicken

Lost his perfect Sunday

3 1

top ten worst things that happened to Squidward

Play Trivia top ten worst things that happened to Squidward
Suggested by crispy chicken

Fired from his own reality tv show

2 1
Suggested by crispy chicken

Trapped in a bubble and sent to the surface

1 0
Suggested by crispy chicken

Attacked by a guard worm

2 1
Suggested by crispy chicken

Was given Spongebob's laugh

1 0
Suggested by crispy chicken

Turned into a baby and given head trauma

1 0
Suggested by trainlover476

Went into a clinical depression thanks to SpongeBob

2 1
Suggested by trainlover476

Lost his money and the deed to his house to a claw machine

1 0
Suggested by trainlover476

Kicked out of a Kelpy G concert

1 0
Suggested by crispy chicken

Trapped in cement and confused with a new animal species

1 1

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