Script written by Max Lett.
What do you do when everything is going according to your sinister plan? Laugh. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 evil movie laughs. For this list, we're chosen the most menacing, the most ominous and the most creepy movie laughs we could come up with. Unfortunately, since we're limiting our choices to film, Vincent Price's disturbing “Thriller” cackle does not qualify.
Special thanks to our users Anthony Williams, Mrhatrick101, bittlebop01, Daniel John, ChrisLevineBIZ, Kevin Lemenager, The King Williams, Camden Coblentz, FireMadeFlesh II, aldqbigsquare, Opst3r, Alex Toba, Smiley49, Keyra Praise Anyhow Goodin, DarkDragoon, Mattyhull1, Julían Rodríguez and Draco-2099 for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...
What do you do when everything is going according to your sinister plan? Laugh. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 evil movie laughs. For this list, we're chosen the most menacing, the most ominous and the most creepy movie laughs we could come up with. Unfortunately, since we're limiting our choices to film, Vincent Price's disturbing “Thriller” cackle does not qualify.
Special thanks to our users Anthony Williams, Mrhatrick101, bittlebop01, Daniel John, ChrisLevineBIZ, Kevin Lemenager, The King Williams, Camden Coblentz, FireMadeFlesh II, aldqbigsquare, Opst3r, Alex Toba, Smiley49, Keyra Praise Anyhow Goodin, DarkDragoon, Mattyhull1, Julían Rodríguez and Draco-2099 for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...