Script written by Niki Neptune.
Forgetting where they put their keys is the least of their problems. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 movie characters with memory loss.
For this list, we're taking a look at the most interesting or unique big screen characters who take forgetfulness to a whole different level. Whether through a bump on the head or part of some complicated covert manipulation, their inability to remember some pretty vital information concerning who they are or what they might've done leads to some pretty interesting viewing. And sorry, “Notebook” fans, but this means we're excluding slow natural degenerative conditions.
Special thanks to our users Daniel John, Ryan Martin, Williany Amill, elsafreezer and deathtouchtom for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...
Forgetting where they put their keys is the least of their problems. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 movie characters with memory loss.
For this list, we're taking a look at the most interesting or unique big screen characters who take forgetfulness to a whole different level. Whether through a bump on the head or part of some complicated covert manipulation, their inability to remember some pretty vital information concerning who they are or what they might've done leads to some pretty interesting viewing. And sorry, “Notebook” fans, but this means we're excluding slow natural degenerative conditions.
Special thanks to our users Daniel John, Ryan Martin, Williany Amill, elsafreezer and deathtouchtom for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...