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VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script written by Matt Wende.

Don't let their appearance fool you: put any of these men or women in front of a computer, and they become the most dangerous people on the planet. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 movie hackers. For this list, we're looking at big screen characters that use their advanced technical skills and intellects to gain access to computers and systems that may or may not belong to them. Let the downloading begin.

Special thanks to our users TheBaconTerminator, Lewis Ebert-Moran, sloo7_711, Andrew A. Dennison, perryhigh, Michael Trout, aldqbigsquare, BigChris2777 and PhilipGerard for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest read more...
